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Release 2.219.0

Affected API or EntityDescriptionRelease Date
Cancel OrderAdd request parameter refund_order and mail_notify2023 Sep 7th
- Add Live Products
- Update Product and Variation Keywords
- Get Livestream Products and Variations
Release these 3 new API2023 Aug 15th
Webhook Topic and Payload ExampleUpdate user/membership_tier_update webhook description2023 Aug 9th
Cancel OrderAdd more description to revert_credits and revert_member_points2023 Aug 9th
Get Delivery OptionAdd more description to store_pickup_option (門市自取)2023 Aug 9th
Get PromotionsUpdate the description of per_page (max = 100)2023 Aug 2nd
Order InvoiceUpdate the description of invoice_tax_type2023 Aug. 1st