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Delivery address

Hi, What will be shown in order["delivery_address"] if the customer choose to pick up the order in say 7-11 (when the order["order_delivery"] equals "store_pickup")? I am not sure now because our store doesn't handle store pick up, please answer me. My first guess: the address should be the address of the 7-11?

Order status

Hi, The order API has update order status, update order delivery status, update order payment status. Where can I get these order status? I can't find this information. Please help. Thank you.

Create Shop Message and Create Order Message api

When can we use Create Shop Message and Create Order Message api?

Webhook events payload

What are the respective events payload returned for the following webhooks? - user/create - user/update - user/remove - user/sign_in - user/mobile_sign_in - user/mobile_sign_up - user/membership_tier_update

取得 獲取商店購物金紀錄

https://open.shopline.io/v1/user_credits request 這隻api時,當比數大於第 500,000筆時 對得到500error ``` {'error': 'Unable to get user_credits', 'code': 'InternalServerError', 'caused_by': None} ``` ``` params = { "per_page": 100, "page": 5001, } ```

使用 "Update Customer Member Points" API, 點數不足時, 回應內容與文件不同

使用 "Update Customer Member Points" API, 當點數不足時,回應內容為 "error": "{\"message\"=>\"undefined method `errors' for nil:NilClass\"}", 而不是文件上的 "error": "value is invalid"

How to split an order by open API

How to split an order by open API

api create category--how to hash parameters? response error: missing category[kay]

the api doc category/create need "name_translations" and type is hash my response is error: category is missing, category[name_translations] is missing so my question is how to transform this parameters in hash type ?

Question about hash type parameters

Hi, When calling a PATCH request to https://open.shoplineapp.com/v1/orders/:id I successfully updated all fields except delivery_provider_name. The type of this field is Hash, What type of value should I send? I currently use array. where is the problem? could you help me? Thanks

Custom Member Purchase Amount

Hello, We currently set up membership tiers to be based on how much a member has spent within a time period. Is there a way, through the openAPI, to add a custom amount to how much a member has spent within the same period? Something like AddMemberTotalSpent ($500) Right now, the only way I see to do this is through CreateOrder + UpdateOrderDeliveryStatus + UpdateOrderPaymentStatus + UpdateOrderStatus. Is there a more efficient API for this? Thanks