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Release 2.222.0

Affected API or EntityDescriptionRelease Date
Update Product Variation PriceSupport more request parameters2023 Sep 7th
Generate Express Cart LinkRelease a new API2023 Oct 23rd

Release 2.219.0

Affected API or EntityDescriptionRelease Date
Cancel OrderAdd request parameter refund_order and mail_notify2023 Sep 7th
- Add Live Products
- Update Product and Variation Keywords
- Get Livestream Products and Variations
Release these 3 new API2023 Aug 15th
Webhook Topic and Payload ExampleUpdate user/membership_tier_update webhook description2023 Aug 9th
Cancel OrderAdd more description to revert_credits and revert_member_points2023 Aug 9th
Get Delivery OptionAdd more description to store_pickup_option (門市自取)2023 Aug 9th
Get PromotionsUpdate the description of per_page (max = 100)2023 Aug 2nd
Order InvoiceUpdate the description of invoice_tax_type2023 Aug. 1st

Release 2.212.0

Affected API or EntityDescriptionRelease date
Update Product VariationAdd more description for params.quantity range2023 July 20th
Update Product Variation QuantityAdd more description for params.quantity range2023 July 20th
Get ProductAdd more description for product "lowest_price" and "lowest_price_sale"2023 July 20th
Update Product Sorting in categoryHide the document for deprecated API (OA-2112)2023 July 16th
Create WebhookAdd "Webhook 訂閱規範"2023 July 5th
Order Subtotal_itemsAdd more description for product set related fields2023 July 12th
Execute Shipment單筆出貨支援黑貓快速到店2023 July 12th
Get Order Labels for Delivery支援黑貓快速到店(常溫、冷藏、冷凍)大量列印標籤2023 July 12th

Release 2.82.24

Affected API or EntityDescriptionRelease date
Get Order SettingAdd default_out_of_stock_reminder in response parameter (To be released OA-2074)2023 June 16th
Create Return Orderdelivery_option.key is required.2023 June 16th
Get ProductsAdd more description for per_page2023 June 16th
Get Action LogsAdd more description "at most 100 logs" for this API 2023 June 16th
Order DeliveryAddressRemove deprecated parameters layer1, layer2, layer3 from the document2023 June 16th
Get Product Review CommentsAdd status in request parameters2023 June 16th
- Update Customer
- Create Customer
Add description for recipient_phone_country_code2023 June 16th
Update Order StatusAdd more description on cancelled status2023 June 8th
Create Affiliate CampaignAdd more description on condition_min_amount2023 June 6th
- Update Order Invoice
- Get Staff
- Get Staff List
Remove [Coming Soon]2023 June 1st
Webhook Topic and Payload ExampleAdd trigger point description to order/update2023 June 1st
Get OrderAdd more description for type2023 May 30th
Update CustomerCorrect the type description of tags on the Doc (from String to Array)2023 May 26th
Order CustomerInfoAdd more description of birthday2023 May 25th
TranslationComplete the description of supported languages2023 May 23rd
Get OrdersAdd order_ids in request parameters2023 May 22nd
- Create Product
- Update Product
- Create AddonProducts
- Update AddonProducts
Add tax_type and oversea_tax_type in request parameter2023 May 22nd
- Get Products
- Get Product
- Search Products
- Get AddonProducts
- Search Addon Products
Add tax_type and oversea_tax_type in response example2023 May 22nd
Update Customer Store CreditsAdd the limitation of expires_at2023 May 22nd
Order Subtotal_itemsExplain more precisely of item_data2023 May 19th
Create AddonProductsAdd product_id to assign an existing product to sell as add on item2023 May 19th
Create GiftsAdd product_id to assign an existing product to sell as a gift item2023 May 19th
Get Users SettingAdd email_verification, email_login_with_verification and sms_verification in response2023 May 19th
Update ProductCorrect blacklisted_payment_ids typo2023 May 18th
Get CustomerReturn email/mobile_phone verification status with unconfirmed_email2023 May 18th
Get OrderAdd preorder_note_translations2023 May 18th
Order Subtotal_itemsAdd preorder_note_translations2023 May 18th
Order DeliveryCorrect the Chinese description of platform value2023 May 17th
Update CustomerAdd phone and phone_country_code to substitute phones2023 May 9th
Webhook Topic and Payload ExampleAdd customer_group/updatewebhook detail2023 May 9th
Webhook Topic and Payload ExampleRelease this new page to show all webhook topic and payload example2023 May 8th
Get Checkout SettingAdd muti-checkout fields in response parameter2023 May 5th
Search ProductsAdd support fields scope in query parameter (title_translations & summary_translations)2023 May 5th
Update ProductRemove unsupported request parameter "is_excluded_promotion" & "taxable"2023 May 5th
Create Shop MessageRelease this new API2023 May 4th
- Get Product
- Get Products
- Search Products
Add "preorder_limit" in response parameter (will release on 2023 May 24th)2023 Apr. 27th
- Create Product
- Update Product
- Add Product Variation
- Update Product Variation
Add "preorder_limit" in request parameter (will release on 2023 May 24th)2023 Apr. 26th
Get WebhookAdd "pos_return_order/create" and "pos_return_order/update" webhook topics2023 Apr. 21st
Get ConversationsAdd "customer_id" in request parameter2023 Apr. 19th
- Get Purchase Order
- Get Purchase Orders
- Create Purchase Order
- Delete Purchase Orders
Release 4 new API for Purchase Order (進貨單)2023 Apr. 19th
Get Users SettingAdd "birthday_format" in response parameter (will release on 2023 May 24th)2023 Apr. 19th
Create CustomerAdd "birth_year", "birth_month", "birth_day" in request parameter (will release on 2023 May 24th)2023 Apr. 19th
Update CustomerAdd "birth_year", "birth_month", "birth_day" in request parameter (will release on 2023 May 24th)2023 Apr. 19th
Search CustomersAdd "birth_month" in request parameter (will release on 2023 May 24th)2023 Apr. 19th
Get CustomerAdd "birth_year", "birth_month", "birth_day" in response parameter (will release on 2023 May 24th)2023 Apr. 19th
Get CustomerAdd "subscription" in request parameter to show if customer subscribes to SMS2023 Apr. 18th
Create Return OrderAdd "city" in request parameter2023 Apr. 16th
[Coming Soon] Get Purchase OrderAdd a new API2023 Apr. 16th
[Coming Soon] Delete Purchase OrdersAdd a new API2023 Apr. 16th
[Coming Soon] Create Purchase OrderAdd a new API2023 Apr. 16th
[Coming Soon] Get Purchase OrdersAdd a new API2023 Apr. 16th
[Coming Soon] Create Shop MessageAdd a new API2023 Apr. 16th
Get Customer Member points HistoryAdd "order_number" to response parameters2023 Apr. 16th
Search PromotionsSupport more discount type, such as "subscription_percentage", "subscription_amount", "credit_reward"2023 Apr. 16th
Order PaymentModify the payment type example format2023 Apr. 16th
Create Return OrderAdd "return_reason_key", "return_remark", "quantity" for request parameters2023 Apr. 14th
Get Delivery OptionAdd "is_return" to present the delivery option is for returning2023 Apr. 14th
Search ProductsAdd "sort_type" to product search2023 Apr. 14th
Get ChannelsAdd "platforms" as new request params and update description2023 Apr. 14th
Get Customer IDs of User CouponRelease this new API2023 Apr. 13th
Get OrderAdd product_subscription_period field2023 Apr. 13th
Get OrderAdd checkout object related data. (多購物車)2023 Apr. 12th
Get Customer Membership Tier HistoryAdd description of items[].key and example of new version data2023 Apr. 10th

Release 2.82.22

Affected API or EntityDescriptionRelease date
Get OrderAdd a new request field for order type.2022 Dec. 13th
Update Product Sorting in categoryDeprecated this API2022 Dec. 13th
Get OrderAdd agent_id field for social commerce manual order2022 Dec. 12th
Get OrderAdd owner_type field in order_comments and order_notes2022 Dec. 12th
Cancel OrderRelease this new API2022 Dec. 6th
Get OrderAdd credit_reward_campaign_summary2022 Dec. 5th
Get PromotionsSupport get promotions by promotion_ids2022 Dec. 5th
Update Product Sorting in categoryAdd more description for "category_id"2022 Nov. 29th
Get WebhookAdd "order_payment/update"2022 Nov. 10th
Get OrderAdd more description to "created_by" and "created_from"2022 Nov. 9th
Create OrderRemove request parameter "created_from" description (because order created by Open API should use default value)2022 Nov. 9th
Get Customer PromotionsRelease this API2022 Oct. 24th
Get Customer PromotionsRemove pagination support due to performance reason2022 Oct. 24th
Get ProductAdjust "includes" to "include_fields" and remove product_price_tier from include_fields2022 Oct. 4th
Update OrderAdd description of deleting the data in "ref_order_id" field2022 Oct. 3rd
Update Product PriceCorrect the description for price request parameter (can be 0, but can't be empty)
價格可以為 0 ,但不能為空值
2022 Oct. 3rd
Get ProductAdd "retail_price" request parameter2022 Sep. 30th
Redeem CouponRelease this new API2022 Sep. 26th
Send CouponRelease this new API2022 Sep. 26th
Search PromotionsRelease this new API2022 Sep. 26th
Get MerchantsRelease this new API2022 Sep. 26th
Search ProductsSupport more request parameters (summary_translations, retail_status, with_product_set, purchasable and include_fields[])2022 Sep. 26th
Get Order SettingAdd customer_cancel_order return field2022 Sep. 26th
Get Conversations MessagesAdd time filters (start & end)2022 Sep. 26th
Delivery Time SlotRelease this new entity2022 Sep. 26th
Get Delivery Time SlotsRelease this new API2022 Sep. 26th
Get CustomerAdd include_fields[]=referrer_data ,可以拿到「此顧客註冊時的推薦人 SHOPLINE ID 以及名字」2022 Sep. 26th
Split OrderCorrect the wrong description (PATCH --> POST) and add description of "updated_at"2022 Sep. 8th
[Coming Soon] Cancel Order Add new API page2022 Sep. 7th
[Coming Soon] Get MerchantsAdd new API page2022 Sep. 5th
Order DeliveryAddressAdd "district"2022 Sep. 5th
Return OrderAdd the description of "inspect_status"2022 Sep. 5th
Get OrderAdd the description of "object_data.weight", payload example and Q&A 2022 Aug. 29th
Get ProductModify the data format from "Integer" to "Float" on weight2022 Aug. 29th
Create Return OrderModify the description of "Country" and "Country Code"2022 Aug. 24th
Get Users SettingAdd line_login return field2022 Aug. 23rd
Get ChannelsRemove pagination (max = 999 items)2022 Aug. 22nd
Order PaymentAdd more description to "status".2022 Aug. 22nd
Order DeliveryAdd more description to "status" and "delivery_status"2022 Aug. 22nd
Get Customer Membership Tier HistoryChange the API name from "Get Membership Tier Action Logs " to "Get Customer Membership Tier History"2022 Aug. 19th
Order DeliveryAdd delivery platform examples2022 Aug. 19th
[Coming Soon] Get Delivery Time SlotsAdd new API page2022 Aug. 18th
[Coming Soon] Delivery Time SlotAdd new entity2022 Aug. 18th
Order PaymentAdd example of "信用卡分期訂單", "中租分期訂單" and "Atome訂單".2022 Aug. 17th
Get WebhookAdd member_point/create webhook payload example2022 Aug. 16th
Get WebhookAdd webhook topics on the document.
- order/remove
- order/pending
- order/confirm
- order/complete
2022 Aug. 15th

Release 2.82.21

Affected API or EntityDescriptionRelease date
Delete PromotionRelease this new API2022 Aug. 14th
Get OrderExpose "cart_page_id" and "object_data.status" parameters2022 Aug. 14th
Create Order MessageRelease this new API2022 Aug. 14th
Search OrdersAdd statuses & delivery_statuses example2022 Aug. 14th
Split OrderRelease this new API2022 Aug. 12th
Split OrderAdd a new API page2022 Aug. 5th
Create PromotionsAdd coupon_type field for draw coupon promotion2022 July 30th
Get Return OrdersAllow to get return orders by order_id / order_ids2022 July 30th
Member Point SummaryAdd detail description2022 July 30th
Search OrdersAdd request parameter "statuses", "delivery_statuses" (can search multiple status in one request)2022 July 30th
Delete CustomerAdd request parameter "send_notification"2022 July 30th
Search PromotionsAdd a new API page2022 July 29th
Send CouponAdd a new API page2022 July 29th
Redeem CouponAdd a new API page2022 July 29th
Get PromotionsRemove request parameter "customer_id" & "scope" (will support in new API)2022 July 21st
API ReferencePublish "API Reference" Section2022 July 21st
Add or Remove Customer tagsRelease this new API2022 July 16th
Order Promotion_itemsAdd applied "coupon_code" in the order data2022 July 15th
Auto Reward Credit SummaryUpdate description2022 July 15th
Create PromotionsUpdate docs for partial free shipping2022 July 15th
Get PromotionSupport partial free shipping promotion2022 July 15th
Get OrderAdd "member_point_summary" and "auto_reward_credit_summary" parameters2022 July 15th
Get ChannelsRelease this new API2022 July 15th
Get PromotionModify the description of "usable" parameter2022 July 11th
Member Point SummaryAdd new entity page2022 July 5th
Auto Reward Credit SummaryAdd new entity page2022 July 5th
Get Product Review CommentsAdd "Note" to provide more description on default sorting2022 July 2nd

Release 2.82.20

Affected API or EntityDescriptionRelease date
Get Membership Tier Action LogsRelease "Get Membership Tier Action Logs" API2022 July 2nd
Create PromotionsSupport discountable_product_ids in benefit_tiers field2022 July 2nd
Search OrdersAdd delivery_option_type for order search2022 July 2nd
[Coming Soon] Get Membership Tier Action LogsAdd new API page2022 June 29th
[Coming Soon] Get ChannelsAdd new API page2022 June 29th
Get Membership Tiers

Add more description on cents "Price 欄位 Cents 的最大值為 99999999900"2022 June 29th
Delete CustomerModify the API title from "Delete Customers" to "Delete Customer" because this API only allows delete 1 customer per time.2022 June 28th
Create Product Review Comment

Bulk Create Product Review Comments
Release these 2 new API.2022 June 25th
Add or Remove Customer tagsChange document to [Coming Soon] because need to develop permission UI.2022 June 24th
Get WebhookAdd new example payload:
2022 June 22nd
Get PromotionEdit Response Example2022 June 22nd
Update CustomerAdd is_accept_marketing2022 June 22nd
Add Product VariationAdd selector_enabled description to variant_options2022 June 22nd
Create ProductAdd selector_enabled description to variant_options2022 June 22nd
Update ProductAdd selector_enabled and update default_show_image_selector description2022 June 22nd
Update PromotionsMark some inactive parameters in Request Example2022 June 22nd
Get WebhookAdd new example payload: order/status_notify_customer order_payment/status_notify_customer order_delivery/status_notify_customer order/product_detail_notify_customer2022 June 22nd

Release 2.82.19

Affected API or EntityDescriptionRelease date
Get Webhook
Create Webhook
Update Webhook
Add 5 new webhook topic:
- order/status_notify_customer
- order/product_detail_notify_customer
- order_payment/status_notify_customer
- order_delivery/status_notify_customer
- comment/payment_slip_upload [Coming Soon]
2022 June 8th
Create CustomerModify "name" from required field to optional.2022 June 8th
Update Customer Store CreditsAdd request parameter example for Never Expire store credit2022 June 8th
Create PromotionsMark some inactive parameters2022 June 8th
Order related webhook從 2022 June 8th 開始,透過 Open API 去更新訂單狀態,都會觸發對應 webhook. (之前不會觸發)2022 June 8th
Update Product Sorting in categoryAdd 「priority 數字越小,在 PLP(商品分類頁)會顯示在越後面;priority 數字越大則顯示在越前面。」description2022 June 8th
Get PromotionsAdd filter parameters for getting user promotions2022 May 30th
Get Membership TiersUpdate membership tier response example (fix "item" structure)2022 May 30th
Get Users SettingAdd request and response parameters for user_credit_rules & member_point_rules2022 May 30th
Search ProductsAdd query strings for search products2022 May 26th
Get ProductsAdd example of excludes[ ]2022 May 26th
Get Delivery OptionsAdd Get Delivery Options of store_pickup_options2022 May 20th
Create ProductRemove unsupported parameters "is_excluded_promotion" and "taxable"2022 May 19th
Get Membership TiersAdd member_point_rules and user_credit_rules2022 May 19th

Release 2.82.18

Affected API or EntityDescriptionRelease date
Get Webhook
Create Webhook
Add new webhook: invoice/update and
payload example
2022 Apr. 29th
Get OrderAdd Q&A section for some frequently asked questions2022 Apr. 29th
[ComingSoon]Get Customer PromotionsAdd new API page2022 Apr. 29th
Execute ShipmentAdd more description about error code2022 Apr. 29th
Create Product Review Comment

Bulk Create Product Review Comments
Revert these 2 API page to [Coming Soon] because permission UI issue.2022 Apr. 29th
Get Staff PermissionAdd instruction of finding the permission field name through Admin page2022 Apr. 29th
[Coming Soon] Member Point RuleAdd new API page2022 Apr. 26th
Get Product Review Comment
Get Product Review Comments
Remove unnecessary notice message2022 Apr. 26th
Execute ShipmentAdd HCT2022 Apr. 22nd
Order DeliveryAdd description of platform2022 Apr. 22nd
Get Delivery OptionAdd description of region_type2022 Apr. 22nd
Get Delivery OptionsAdd JSON example (tw_fm_c2c_pay)2022 Apr. 22nd
Get ProductsAdd Product Set Example2022 Apr. 22nd
Order Subtotal_itemsAdd Product Set related response fields.2022 Apr. 22nd
How to get access_tokenAdd "如果是通過 Developer Center 對接的擴充功能,不需要申請使用 OpenAPI" instruction.2022 Apr. 19th
Get Order Labels for DeliveryAdd fmt_freeze, cross_border_711_store_pick_up and cross_border_711_home_delivery to Response Fields2022 Apr. 19th
Get OrderAdd "channel that created the order"2022 Apr. 19th
Create WebhookAdd -user/membership_tier_update webhook2022 Apr. 19th
[Coming Soon] User Credit RuleAdd new API page2022 Apr. 19th
Get ProductsAdd the request fields of listing Product Set2022 Apr. 17th
Get CustomerExpose offline referral data in customer data (for Smart OMO only)2022 Apr. 14th
Get OrderDelete 2 fields which doesn't exist in the response ("applied_member_point" & "applied_member_point_redeem_to_cash")2022 Apr. 14th
Execute ShipmentSupport 2 more delivery services: 7-11 Cross Border and FMT Freeze2022 Apr. 8th
Bulk Execute ShipmentFormal released to support 7-11 Cross Border and FMT Freeze2022 Apr. 8th
OpenAPI request exampleAdd sample response of IP banned situation2022 Apr. 6th
1. [Coming Soon] Get Conversations
2. [Coming Soon] Get Conversations Messages
Add 2 new API page2022 Apr. 6th

Release 2.82.17

Affected API or EntityDescriptionRelease date
Get CustomerAdd membership_tier_gap entity2022 Mar. 30th
[Coming Soon] Bulk Execute ShipmentAdd detail description2022 Mar. 30th
Update Order StatusUpdate valid enum of order status2022 Mar. 30th
Get Order TransactionsAdd "note" field and the description of Request Response2022 Mar. 30th
Update ProductRemove 'removed' status and add description of status parameters.2022 Mar. 30th
Get CustomerAdd the description of line ID parameter2022 Mar. 30th
[Coming Soon] Get Staff PermissionAdd a new API page2022 Mar. 29th
Get OrderAdd JSON example with Product Set items2022 Mar. 22nd
Update Order InvoiceMake this API [Coming Soon] due to some permission issue2022 Mar. 21st
Get Order TransactionsUpdate order ID array example2022 Mar. 21st
(All webhook related pages)Add "Order Status Webhook Enhancement" announcement2022 Mar. 15th
[Coming Soon] Bulk Execute ShipmentAdd Bulk Execute Shipment new API page (Coming Soon)2022 Mar. 15th
Get Return OrdersAdd the instruction of getting items in the return order and made the request sample to the top of this page.2022 Mar. 11th
Get Return Order By idCorrect the description of request parameter (Return Order ID)2022 Mar. 11th
PaginationAdd pagination instruction2022 Mar. 10th
Store Credit HistoryAdd more description of response parameters2022 Mar. 10th
Get Customer Store Credit HistoryAdd 1 more JSON example2022 Mar. 10th
Update OrderRevise format for config data format to an array2022 Mar. 4th
Get CustomerFix incorrect description on next_total_spending parameter2022 Mar. 4th
Get Delivery OptionModify the fields of config_data.
For example: config_data.lead_time
2022 Mar. 2nd