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How to apply the OPENAPI authorization

Hello shopline teams! We are SF international team,now we are trying to docking shopline support logistic method through REST API way, could you give me a contact method, thanks a lot~

Get which plan the merchant subscribes to

If my app has different subscription plans, such as free version, premium version, and professional version, and I want to switch the functions provided according to the plan subscribed by the merchant, how can I obtain the plan subscribed by the merchant?

Change information in POS order?

The customer pay cash $200 for $165 total change. $35 in cash is returned to customer. Is there a way to obtain the $35 change information in API? I notice that it is available in UI, Order Management > Orders > 2023000000000000, under Transaction History, Payment method. But I did not find related information in the API. It seems that the info is not available in both <https://open.shopline.io/v1/orders/${oid}> and <https://open.shopline.io/v1/orders/transactions> How do I use API to obtain Change info in POS order?

Do I need after paying for the OpenAPI to be active?

Hi i have purchased the open API and created the user with permission to use Open API. However, I keep having error even when i use Postman to send a Token Info Request. Is there anything that needs to be done on your backend before i can actually use the OpenAPI? My code is as follows: <?php $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($curl, array( CURLOPT_URL => '<https://open.shopline.io/v1/products?sort_by=desc&per_page=24&page=1&Accept=application%2Fjson&Authorization={token}&User-Agent=shopline'>, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_ENCODING => '', CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 10, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 0, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION => CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => 'GET', )); $response = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); echo $response;

I have not found "type" field in get orders api response

I have called the Get Orders Api but, I have not found "type" field in get orders api response According to the api guide, there should be "type" field. The "type" field is deprecated?

Get Product Sales

Is there API for querying quantity of products sold in a given date interval? Given list of product ids, begin date, end date, return quantity of each product sold. Thanks.

Is JSON message encrypted?

When sending the request message to SHOPLINE Open API, does the JSON message format gets encrypted?

Could you explain the 'created_before' paramter's exact range one of the getorder's paramters

I have read about 'GetOrders' api desc. and I'm qurious about the 'created_before' paramter's exact range. If i set the value of the 'created_before' parameter as '2023-05-23 13:00:00' then I can get the Orders information that have been created until '2023-05-23 13:00:00' ? not or I can get the Orders information that have been created until '2023-05-23 12:59:59' ? I'm confused because the description of the 'created_before' parameter is Filter orders by those updated before specific time. I have focused the preposition 'before'. And this situation is same as the 'create_after' parameter. a Value of The 'create_after' parameter includes the value that I set it or not? Please explain the exact datetime range.

What is cartItem snapshop?

I have read the Api Guides and I have some questions. Order object includes Subtotal_items and Subtotal_items includes item_data object. Description of Item_data object is CartItem SnapShot according to Api Guides. What does the mean "CartItem SnapShop"? It means the real Order Information(includes promotion information) about the customer's Order? or It just only means the customer's Cart information? It makes me very confused. I would get ShopLine Order information that includes promotion information and I will insert that information into this company ERP system. so, I need the exact mapping info between Order and Promotion. And I'm also curious about the "custom_discount_items" that is included to Order Object below thing is an example of "custom_discount_items" custom_discount_items": \[ { "id": "aaaa", "item_type": "CustomDiscount", "item_data": { "discount_special_flag": 0, "discount_id": "bbbb", "discount_type": 2, "name": "Promotion1", "discount_level": 1 }, I want know What is promotion ID. "discount_id" is promotion ID? or "id" is promotions ID? The Api Guides's everythings is not clear and it makes hard to interface with ShopLine. Please, somebody help me about the CartItem meaning and custom_discount_items.

about order subtotal_items

hello i have a question about order subtotal_items guide words. i read this link : <https://open-api.docs.shoplineapp.com/docs/order-item> and I found that 'item_data' means 'CartItem snapshot'. is it means that Information about the all items in the cart or Information about the ordered items when these items were in the cart? thank you for your service.