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Release 2.261.0

Affected API or EntityDescriptionRelease Date
Search Products支援組合商品情境 Support for bundled product scenarios

- Add request parameter type
- Add response parameter type
2024 Sep. 25th
Get Product
Get Products
支援組合商品情境 Support for bundled product scenarios

- Add response parameter type
2024 Sep. 25th
webhook topic(product/create, product/update, product/remove)支援組合商品情境 Support for bundled product scenarios2024 Sep. 25th

Release 2.260.0

Affected API or EntityDescriptionRelease Date
Get Archive OrdersAdd new API endpoint Get Archive Orders
Sept.18, 2024 訂單資料更新 - 訂單封存 (Order Data Update - Order Archiving)
2024 Sep. 18th

Release 2.259.0

Affected API or EntityDescriptionRelease Date
Claim CouponSept. 11, 2024 領取優惠券 API 與參數異動 Claim Coupon API & Parameters’ Breaking Change2024 Sep. 11th
Get Customer PromotionsAdd response parameter condition_scope2024 Sep. 11th

Release 2.252.0

Affected API or EntityDescriptionRelease Date
Get OrderUpdate include_fields\[] description (combined order)2024 Jul. 17th
Get Order OptionUpdate region_type description2024 Jul. 17th

Release 2.251.0

Affected API or EntityDescriptionRelease Date
Search Orders
Search Customers
Search Products
Search Gifts
Search Promotions
Search Addon Products
Update note: pagination limitations2024 Jul. 4th
Order PaymentAdd FAQ - 實體店交易方式的名稱2024 Jul. 3rd

Release 2.247.0

Affected API or EntityDescriptionRelease
Get Customer PromotionsAdd request parameter usage2024 Jun. 26th
Claim CouponRelease a new API2024 Jun. 18th

Release 2.240.0

Affected API or EntityDescriptionRelease Date
Get OrderAdd "allow_customer_cancel" request parameter2024 Mar. 28th

Release 2.236.0

Affected API or EntityDescriptionRelease Date
Webhook Topic and Payload ExampleAdd return order related webhook : `return_order/create, return_order/complete&return_order/cancel`2024 Feb. 21st
Create Return Ordersubtotal_items 欄位不可為empty array, remove status 欄位, remove recipient_address欄位2024 Feb. 21st
Get Locked Inventory CountAdd a new API to separate the locked_inventory_count from Get Product API2024 Feb. 1st
Get Product說明 locked_inventory_count 即將拔除,並引導到新的 API2024 Feb. 1st
How to get access_token增加說明 App token 資訊2024 Feb. 2nd
Webhook Topic and Payload Exampleupdate latest order event payload2024 Feb. 2nd

Release 2.235.1

Affected API or EntityDescriptionRelease Date
Search Productssort_type support custom_sorting (自訂排序)2024 Jan. 30th
Create OrderAdd FAQ - 歷史訂單匯入2024 Jan. 30th
Get OrderAdd FAQ - 訂單是否可以抓取各商品折扣分攤的金額?2024 Jan. 30th

Release 2.233.0

Affected API or EntityDescriptionRelease Date
Webhook Implementation Best PracticesNew page to describe Webhook Implementation Best Practices2024 Jan. 9th
How to get access_tokenCan set IP Whitelist for Open API token (by staff email)2024 Jan. 10th