Get Order
To get detailed information for a specific order with its ID
GET <<api_domain>>/v1/orders/:id
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Description | Example |
:id *Required | String | Order ID 訂單ID | ruby 5ceb910c43e2dd001d6d40d3 |
include_fields[] | String | Provide additional attributes in the response 結果添加哪些參數 | affiliate_campaign |
Response fields
Field | Type | Descritption | Example |
id | String | Order ID 訂單ID | 5d8c8b3be388095d25acbc89 |
order_number | String | Order Number 訂單號碼 | 2019052707260498 |
system_order_number | String | 系统生成的訂單號 | |
merchant_order_number | String | 店家自定義訂單號 (會根據rollout_key選擇用哪個order_number) | |
status | String | Order Status 訂單狀態 - Status allows temp 暫存狀態 pending 處理中 removed 已刪除 confirmed 已確認 completed 已完成 cancelled 已取消 | pending |
order_remarks | String | Order Remarks 訂單備註 | Please send the goods after 4p.m. |
order_payment | OrderPayment | Order Payment Information 付款資訊 | Please check the link on the left |
order_delivery | Order OrderDelivery | Order Delivery Information 送貨資訊 | Please check the link on the left |
delivery_address | Order DeliveryAddress | Recipient Information 收件人基本資訊 | Please check the link on the left |
delivery_data | Order DeliveryData | Third-Party Delivery Information 第三方串接物流資訊 | Please check the link on the left |
inclusive_tax_info | Tax Info | Included tax info 內含稅訊息 | { "country_code" : "SG", "fee" : { "cents" : 7883, "currency_iso" : "HKD", "currency_symbol" : "HK$", "dollars" : 78.83, "label" : "HK$78.83" }, "rate" : 0.07, "tax_name" : "GST", "tax_region_id" : "5e548e14e3880918ef272e4e", "type" : "inclusive" } |
customer_id | String | Cutomer ID 顧客ID | 5cc17da1e388091b6fd299ed |
customer_name | String | Customer's Name 顧客姓名 | 郭美玉 |
customer_email | String | Customer's Email 顧客Email | |
customer_phone | String | Customer's Phone 顧客電話 | 0912345678 |
customer_info | Order CustomerInfo | Customer's Information 顧客其他基本資訊 | Please check the link on the left |
currency_iso | String | Currency ISO (ISO-4217) ISO 4217 貨幣代碼 | TWD |
subtotal | Money | Price total for all order items 訂單小計,包含商品總價 | Please check the link on the left |
order_discount | Money | Order discount 優惠折扣 | Please check the link on the left |
user_credit | Money | Customer Credit 折抵購物金 | Please check the link on the left |
total_tax_fee | Money | Total Tax Fee 訂單稅費 | Please check the link on the left |
total | Money | Final price total, which includes payment fee and delivery fee 付款總金額,包含附加費與運費 | Please check the link on the left |
order_points | Integer | Points used 會員點數使用 | 15 |
order_points_to_cash | Hash | Points used to cash 會員點數轉現金 | { "cents": 0, "currency_symbol": "NT$", "currency_iso": "TWD", "label": "", "dollars": 0.0 } |
invoice | Order Invoice | Invoice Info 發票資訊 | Please check the link on the left |
subtotal_items | Order Subtotal_items | Order Product Item Data 訂單商品資訊 | Please check the link on the left |
promotion_items | Order Promotion_items | Promotion Item Data 訂單折扣資訊 | Please check the link on the left |
custom_data | Array | Customized Order Fields 客製化欄位 - *欲使用此欄位請先至商店後台>訂單設定>自訂訂單欄位 進行設定 | "value": "優質的店家!", "field_translations": { "zh-hant": "想對老闆說的話" }, "field_id": "5c404ef1e3880922e57856a6" |
custom_discount_items | Order Item | Order Custom Discount Item Data | Please check the link on the left |
applied_member_point | Number | Applied Member Point 已使用購物金 | 120 |
applied_member_point_redeem_to_cash | Money | Member Point redeem to Cash 購物金拆現金 | Please check the link on the left |
ref_order_id | String | For third party custom order id 可供儲存第三方訂單ID | ORD0001 |
ref_customer_id | String | For third party custom customer id 可供儲存第三方顧客ID | CUS0001 |
agent | Order Agent | 員工資料 - *只供POS商户使用 | Please check the link on the left |
parent_order_id | String | Parent Order ID 拆單後之母訂單ID | |
child_order_ids | Array | Child Order ID 拆單後之子訂單ID | |
split_at | DateTime | Order Split Time 拆單時間 | |
confirmed_at | DateTime | Order Confirmed Time 訂單確認時間 (如尚未確認則顯示null) - *UTC Time | |
updated_at | DateTime | Order Updated Time 訂單更新時間 - *UTC Time | 2019-09-26 T09:56:16.803+00:00 |
created_at | DateTime | Order Created Time 訂單創造日期 - *UTC Time | 2019-09-26 T09:56:11.924+00:00 |
skip_fulfillment | Boolean | Is order skipping fulfillment? 訂單是否略過“扣減庫存” | false |
utm_data | UTM Data | UTM Data UTM參數 | Please check the link on the left |
ga_tracked | Boolean | Is tracked by GA? 是否使用GA追蹤 | false |
order_comments | Array | Customer Comments 顧客通訊內容 | [ { "value": "it will be delivered on 6/18, thanks!", "time": "2020-06-16T04:23:02.811+00:00" } ] |
order_notes | Array | Order Notes 訂單備註 | [ { "value": "please deliver this order on 6/18", "time": "2020-06-16T04:23:26.235+00:00" } ] |
created_by | String | Channel that created the order 建立訂單的渠道 - openapi admin shop shop_crm pos sc mc import | |
is_guest_checkout | Boolean | true checkout as guestfalse checkout as login user | |
affiliate_campaign | Object | Affiliate campaign associated with the order 訂單對應的推薦活動 need to add in query to show include_fields=affiliate_campaign | | | String | Order Campaign ID 訂單推薦活動ID | |
affiliate_campaign. name_translations | Object | Name of Campaign 推薦活動名稱 | |
affiliate_campaign.type | String | Campaign Type 推薦活動類型 | |
affiliate_campaign. reward_type | String | Campaign Reward Type 推薦活動獎勵類型 | |
affiliate_campaign.reward_value | Money | Reward Amount 獎勵金額 | |
affiliate_campaign. campaign_data | Object | Campaign Data 推薦活動參數 | |
affiliate_campaign. campaign_id | String | Campaign ID 推薦活動ID | |
affiliate_campaign. order_id | String | Order ID 訂單ID | |
affiliate_campaign. bonus_balance | Money | Bonus Balance 結算金額 | |
order_source | Object | Source of the order 訂單來源 | | | String | ID of the order source 訂單來源ID | |
order_source.type | String | Type of the order source 訂單來源類型 | |
order_source.source_id | String | ID of the external source 外部來源id Might be fb_fan_page_id / channel_id 可能是 fb_fan_page_id / channel_id | |
order_source. name | Object | Name 名字 Might be fb fan page name / channel name 可能是 fb 粉絲頁面名稱/頻道名稱 | |
created_from | String | Order created from 訂單來源 | admin_openapi |
Response Example
JSON sample
"id": "608faafe3985d70013d89319",
"order_number": "20210503074918429",
"system_order_number": "20210503074918429",
"merchant_order_number": null,
"status": "pending",
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"order_payment": {
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"payment_type": "cash_on_delivery",
"name_translations": {
"en": "[DO NOT UPDATE/REMOVE] Static Payment",
"zh-hant": "貨到付款"
"status": "temp",
"payment_fee": {
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"currency_symbol": "NT$",
"currency_iso": "TWD",
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"dollars": 0.0
"total": {
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"paid_at": null,
"updated_at": "2021-05-03T07:49:18.548+00:00",
"created_at": "2021-05-03T07:49:18.548+00:00",
"payment_data": {},
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"ref_payment_id": null
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"platform": "custom",
"status": "pending",
"delivery_status": "pending",
"name_translations": {
"en": "[DO NOT UPDATE/REMOVE] Static Delivery",
"zh-hant": ""
"total": {
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"label": "NT$100",
"dollars": 100.0
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"arrived_at": null,
"collected_at": null,
"returned_at": null,
"remark": null,
"request_accepted_at": null,
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"require_expired_upload": false,
"require_storeclosed_upload": false,
"return_order_id": null,
"store_closed_at": null,
"storeclosed_upload_at": null
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"key": null,
"layer1": null,
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"district": null,
"logistic_codes": null,
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"customer_phone": "02-27423586",
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"dollars": 0.0
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"invoice_tax_type": "",
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"invoice_cancelled_at": null
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"alt_translations": {}
"title_translations": {
"en": "[DO NOT UPDATE/REMOVE] Static Product"
"fields_translations": {},
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"order_discounted_price": null,
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"zh-hant": "Custom Product Name"
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"channel": {},
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"child_order_ids": [],
"split_at": null,
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"created_by": "openapi",
"updated_at": "2021-05-03T07:49:18.756+00:00",
"created_at": "2021-05-03T07:49:18.557+00:00",
"skip_fulfillment": true,
"utm_data": {},
"ga_tracked": false,
"order_comments": [],
"order_notes": [],
"payment_slips": [],
"en":"全單購買滿NT$348:訂單回饋 10%"
"en":"全單購買滿NT$348:訂單回饋 10%"
"tags": [],
"created_from": "admin_openapi"
Updated about 3 years ago