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Get Order Setting

GET /v1/settings/orders

To Retrieve global setting of the merchant's order, the merchant is defined by the token in the header

Invoice setting
Currently customer can choose between two invoice provider, choosing which provider einvoice and tradevan, to enable using tradevan to provide invoice service, merchant need to have rollout key einvoice_tradvan enabled

Request Example

curl --request GET \
     --url <<api_domain>>/v1/settings/orders \
     --header 'Accept: application/json'

Response Parameters

invoiceObject{ "tax_id": "24973192", "oversea_tax_type": "2", "tax_type": "1", "n_p_o_b_a_n": { "name": "社團法人中華民國晴天社會福利協會", "code": "9595995", "short_name": "晴天協會", "tax_id": "26661737", "county": "桃園市" }, "source": { "business_group_code": "SL24973192", "business_type_code": "SLFTP" } }
invoice_tradevanObject{ "tax_id": "24973192", "oversea_tax_type": "2", "tax_type": "1", "n_p_o_b_a_n": { "name": "社團法人中華民國晴天社會福利協會", "code": "9595995", "short_name": "晴天協會", "tax_id": "26661737", "county": "桃園市" }, "source": { "business_group_code": "SL24973192", "business_type_code": "SLFTP" } }

Response Example

  "invoice_activation": 'active',
    "no_duplicate_uniform_invoice": false,
invoice_activation string active, inactive, null default null
current_invoice_service_provider string enum `tradevan` OR `cetustek`
invoice object
invoice.tax_id string Provided by the Government
invoice.tax_type string Use in TW, Available values:
1: Tax
2: No Tax - export not via custom
3: No Tax
5: No Tax - export via custom
invoice.source string Provided by einvoice provider
invoice_tradevan object
invoice.tax_id string Provided by the Government
invoice_tradevan.tax_type string Use in TW, Available values:
1: Tax
2: No Tax - export not via custom
3: No Tax
5: No Tax - export via custom
invoice.source string Provided by einvoice provider