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GET /v1/products/:id

List of merchant's product sorted by creation time

Request Example

curl -X GET \
  '<<api_domain>>/v1/products/5d3594c276e7ec003b7021c0' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearar {access_token}' \
  -H 'User-Agent: shopline'

Request Parameters

id Required string Product id e.g. 5d3594c276e7ec003b7021c0
excludes[] String Could exclude certain parameters in the response
e.g. &excludes[]=field1&excludes[]=field2
includes[] integer Could only show certain parameters in the response
e.g. &includes[]=field1&includes[]=field2 - product_price_tiers to show product_price_tiers

Response Example

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items Array of Product
{Product}.id String product id
{Product}.status String the status of the product
active: published
draft: unpublished
hidden: hidden, only can be found with specific link
{Product}.title_translations Translation Json Object with key is the language code and value is the translation string
{Product}.price Price Price of the product
{Product}.lowest_price Price Lowest price of the product considering all variation
{Product}.price_sale Price On sale price of the product
{Product}.lowest_price_sale Price Lowest on sale price of the product considering all variation
{Product}.hide_price Boolean hiding the price means product should only be allow to buy via communication with merchant, recommend to hide buy button on frontend
{Product}.same_price Boolean if all variants have the same price, the value would be true
{Product}.cost Price cost of the item
{Product}.member_price Price price of the item for member
{Product}.flash_price_sets[] Array price for flash campaign
{Product}.flash_price_sets[].id String
{Product}.flash_price_sets[].start_at ISOString flash price start time in UTC
{Product}.flash_price_sets[].end_at ISOString flash price end time in UTC
{Product}.flash_price_sets[].price_set Object
{Product}.flash_price_sets[].price_set.type String enum flash_price or pos, but flash_price_set only contains flash_price
{Product}.flash_price_sets[].price_set.flash_price_campaign_id String flash price campaign id
{Product}.flash_price_sets[].price_set.price Price flash price pricing object
{Product}.flash_price_sets[].price_set.price_sale Price flash price sale price object
{Product}.flash_price_sets[].price_set.price_details Array
{Product}.is_preorder Boolean Pre-ordered or not
{Product}.preorder_note_translations Translation Pre-order Note Info
{Product}.weight Integer weight of the product
{Product}.quantity Integer Quantity of product
{Product}.unlimited_quantity Boolean
{Product}.medias Array Media Data
{Product}.detail_medias Array Additional Product Photos 更多商品圖片 Maximum 20 images for a product. 最多 20 張圖片
{Product}.category_ids Array Array of category id
{Product}.supplier String Product supplier
{Product}.sku String Product sku
{Product}.barcode String (deprecating) use {Product}.gtin
{Product}.field_titles String Field Title Data 規格名稱
{Product}.variations Array Product Variations Data 商品規格資訊
{Product}.variant_options Array Product Variations
Maximum 3 types of variant option for a product, type allow (color, size, custom_1, custom_2, custom_3) 最多支援三種不同的 type, type 支援(color, size, custom_1, custom_2, custom_3)
{Product}.categories Array Categories Data 商品分類資訊
{Product}.location_id String 儲位編號
{Product}.description_translations Translation Product Description
{Product}.seo_title_translations Translation SEO Title
{Product}.seo_description_translations Translation ...
{Product}.seo_keywords String SEO Description
{Product}.link String
{Product}.is_reminder_active Boolean Out-Of-Stock Reminder
{Product}.show_custom_related_products Boolean Show Custom Related products
{Product}.related_product_ids Array Custom related products
{Product}.tags Array Tags
*Tags are used to search products at the admin panel and help set up the product-related coupons.
{Product}.blacklisted_delivery_option_ids Array ...
{Product}.blacklisted_payment_ids Array Excluded Delivery Options 排除的送貨方式
{Product}.gender String Excluded Payment Options
{Product}.age_group String Mapping Product Category:Age Group
newborn 新生兒
infant 嬰兒
toddler 幼兒
* Adult 成人
{Product}.adult String Mapping Product Category:Adult
yes 是
no 否
{Product}.condition String Mapping Product Category:Condition
used 二手
refurbished 整新品
* new 新品
{Product}.brand String Brand 商品品牌
{Product}.mpn String Manufacturer Part Number
{Product}.gtin String Barcode
{Product}.blacklisted_feed_channels Array 排除這個商品投放管道
Exclude this product to channel
{Product}.available_start_time String The datetime the product available on storefront
{Product}.available_end_time String The datetime the product is removed from storefront or null for listing without removal
{Product}.created_by ISOString
{Product}.is_excluded_promotion Boolean product is exclude promotion which is discount on order
{Product}.taxable Boolean taxable
{Product}.labels Array Array of TranslationArray of Translation,
must have include_fields[]=labels in query string to include in payload
{Product}.locked_inventory_count ... ...
{Product}.product_price_tiers[] Array only show if includes[] query string has product_price_tiers
{Product}.product_price_tiers[]._id String id of product price tier
{Product}.product_price_tiers[].member_price Price
{Product}.product_price_tiers[].membership_tier_id String id of membership tier
{Product}.product_price_tiers[].product_id String
{Product}.product_price_tiers[].status String
{Product}.out_of_stock_orderable Boolean orderable for out of stock
{Product}.subscription_enabled Boolean subscription_enabled
{Product}.subscription_period_duration Integer subscription period duration
{Product}.filter_tags Array filter tags