Create Product
POST /v1/products
Create new product
Request Example
"product": {
"category_ids": [],
"description_translations": {
"en": "We are a product design-led company that aims to create products that are simple and stylish, and that focus on the needs of the general public.",
"zh-hant": "我們是一家以產品設計為主導的公司, 旨在打造款式簡潔時尚且關注社會大眾需求的產品。 "
"images": [
"price": 9999,
"status": false,
"title_translations": {
"en": "Shopline",
"zh-hant": "商線科技"
"product": {
"category_ids": [],
"cost": 609,
"description_translations": {
"en": "No transaction fees. No design or technical skills required. Integrated with multiple payment and logistic options. With over 120,000 merchants online. Everything you need for your e-commerce store.",
"zh-hant": "我們是一家以產品設計為主導的公司, 旨在打造款式簡潔時尚且關注社會大眾需求的產品。 公司聚集了一批來自哈佛大學設計學院 以及麻省理工商學院的優秀設計團隊。 我們致力於設計獨特新穎的創新產品, 適合不同年齡,性別人士使用。 在執著追求產品優化同時,注重履行企業社會責任。"
"detail_images": [
"hide_price": false,
"images": [
"link": "shopline",
"price": 1000,
"price_sale": 689,
"same_price": true,
"seo_description_translations": {
"en": "No transaction fees. No design or technical skills required. Integrated with multiple payment and logistic options. With over 120,000 merchants online. Everything you need for your e-commerce store.",
"zh-hant": "我們是一家以產品設計為主導的公司, 旨在打造款式簡潔時尚且關注社會大眾需求的產品。 公司聚集了一批來自哈佛大學設計學院 以及麻省理工商學院的優秀設計團隊。 我們致力於設計獨特新穎的創新產品, 適合不同年齡,性別人士使用。 在執著追求產品優化同時,注重履行企業社會責任。"
"seo_keywords": "電商, 開店, 創業",
"seo_title_translations": {
"en": "SHOPLINE",
"zh-hant": "商線科技"
"status": true,
"title_translations": {
"en": "",
"zh-hant": "商線科技"
"unlimited_quantity": true,
"variant_custom_type_translations": [
"name_translations": {
"en": "Custom1",
"zh-hant": "自訂1"
"type": "custom_1"
"variant_options": [
"name_translations": {
"en": "green",
"zh-hant": "綠"
"type": "color"
"name_translations": {
"en": "Red",
"zh-hant": "紅"
"type": "color"
"name_translations": {
"en": "L1",
"zh-hant": "大1"
"type": "custom_1"
"name_translations": {
"en": "S1",
"zh-hant": "小1"
"type": "custom_1"
"product": {
"category_ids": [],
"cost": 609,
"description_translations": {
"en": "No transaction fees. No design or technical skills required. Integrated with multiple payment and logistic options. With over 120,000 merchants online. Everything you need for your e-commerce store.",
"zh-hant": "我們是一家以產品設計為主導的公司, 旨在打造款式簡潔時尚且關注社會大眾需求的產品。 公司聚集了一批來自哈佛大學設計學院 以及麻省理工商學院的優秀設計團隊。 我們致力於設計獨特新穎的創新產品, 適合不同年齡,性別人士使用。 在執著追求產品優化同時,注重履行企業社會責任。"
"detail_images": [
"hide_price": false,
"images": [
"link": "shopline",
"price": 1000,
"price_sale": 689,
"same_price": true,
"seo_description_translations": {
"en": "No transaction fees. No design or technical skills required. Integrated with multiple payment and logistic options. With over 120,000 merchants online. Everything you need for your e-commerce store.",
"zh-hant": "我們是一家以產品設計為主導的公司, 旨在打造款式簡潔時尚且關注社會大眾需求的產品。 公司聚集了一批來自哈佛大學設計學院 以及麻省理工商學院的優秀設計團隊。 我們致力於設計獨特新穎的創新產品, 適合不同年齡,性別人士使用。 在執著追求產品優化同時,注重履行企業社會責任。"
"seo_keywords": "電商, 開店, 創業",
"seo_title_translations": {
"en": "SHOPLINE",
"zh-hant": "商線科技"
"status": true,
"title_translations": {
"en": "",
"zh-hant": "商線科技"
"unlimited_quantity": true,
"variant_custom_type_translations": [
"name_translations": {
"en": "Custom1",
"zh-hant": "自訂1"
"type": "custom_1"
"variant_options": [
"name_translations": {
"en": "green",
"zh-hant": "綠"
"type": "color",
"key": "green"
"name_translations": {
"en": "Red",
"zh-hant": "紅"
"type": "color",
"key": "red"
"name_translations": {
"en": "L1",
"zh-hant": "大1"
"type": "custom_1",
"key": "l1"
"name_translations": {
"en": "S1",
"zh-hant": "小1"
"type": "custom_1",
"key": "s1"
"variations": [
"key": ["green", "l1"],
"quantity": 10,
"sku": "green_l1"
"key": ["green", "s1"],
"quantity": 10,
"sku": "green_s1"
"key": ["red", "l1"],
"quantity": 10,
"sku": "red_l1"
"key": ["red", "s1"],
"quantity": 10,
"sku": "red_s1"
Request Parameters
default_show_image_selector |
Boolean |
Show image selector on product details page 顯示選項圖片於商品頁面 default: false |
product Required |
object |
The product data to be created |
In product | ||
price Required |
float |
Product Original Selling Price 原價格 |
price_sale |
float |
Product Price when doing discount 特價 |
cost |
float |
Cost of the product 成本價 |
hide_price |
boolean |
suggest not to show price to user, user need to ask the merchant before buying, default: false |
quantity |
Float |
if unlimited_quantity is true, the product would have unlimited quantity and should ignore this field |
same_price |
Boolean |
main product and variation shared the same price (including original and member price) default: true *Rules: 1.If same_price is true, and variation_price is filled : Follow the price of Main products 2.If same_price is true, and variation_price is not filled : Follow the price of Main products 3.If same_price is false, and variation_price is filled : Follow the price of variation products 4.If same_price is false, and variation_price is not filled : variation_price is required |
unlimited_quantity |
Boolean |
quantity of the product will be ignored once set
商品無限數量 |
location_id |
string |
stock unit number 儲位編號 |
summary_translations |
object |
Product Summary 商品摘要 en , zh-hant , zh-cn ,
vi , ms , ja ,
th , id , de ,
fr |
sku |
string |
stock keeping unit 商品貨號 |
category_ids |
Array of String |
e.g. 58c1362f01cda3329300004d |
title_translations |
Object |
supported object keys includes includeen , zh-hant , zh-cn ,
vi , ms , ja ,
th , id , de ,
fr for different language |
description_translations |
Object |
supported object keys includes includeen , zh-hant , zh-cn ,
vi , ms , ja ,
th , id , de ,
fr for different language |
seo_title_translations |
Object |
used for SEO purpose supported object keys includes include en , zh-hant , zh-cn ,
vi , ms , ja ,
th , id , de ,
fr for different language |
seo_description_translations |
Object |
used for SEO description supported object keys includes include en , zh-hant , zh-cn ,
vi , ms , ja ,
th , id , de ,
fr for different language |
seo_keywords |
String |
keyword separated by comma, max 160 characters |
link |
String |
is_preorder |
Boolean |
Allow product to be pre-ordered |
preorder_limit |
Integer |
Preorder Limit (set to -1 if it's unlimited quantity) 預購上限(-1表示無限) |
preorder_note_translations |
Object |
used for pre-order translation supported object keys includes include en , zh-hant , zh-cn ,
vi , ms , ja ,
th , id , de ,
fr for different language |
is_reminder_active |
boolean |
remind merchant product out of stock 是否開啟商品缺貨提醒 default: false
show_custom_related_products |
boolean |
Whether Show Custom Related Products 是否顯示相關商品 default: false
related_product_ids |
array of string |
array of product ids merchant suggest that might relate to this product *Rules: 1.If show_custom_related_products is true and related_product_ids is filled: Filled related products will be displayed to customers. 2.If show_custom_related_products is true and related_product_ids is not filled: No related products will be displayed to customers. 3.If show_custom_related_products is false: Automatically suggested related products will be displayed to customers. |
weight |
float |
product weight in kg |
tags |
array of string |
array of tags for helping to search products at the admin panel and be used to set up product-related coupon 標籤功能用作商品搜尋,並能為指定商品設置優惠券的用途。 |
blacklisted_delivery_option_ids |
array of string |
these delivery options shouldn't available for delivery when buyers select this product |
blacklisted_payment_ids |
array of string |
these payment options shouldn't available for payment when buyers select this product |
max_order_quantity |
integer |
set maximum quantity buyer can buy per purchase |
status |
Boolean or String |
active , draft , removed , hidden , true , false |
all_variations |
Boolean |
auto-populate all variations from the system, default: true |
images |
Array of string |
array of images for product main photos |
detail_images |
Array of string |
array of images for product main photos |
variant_options |
Array of Objects |
Maximum 3 types of variant option for a product, type allow color , size , custom_1 , custom_2 , custom_3 最多支援三種不同的規格名稱,名稱支援 color , size , custom_1 , custom_2 , custom_3 key 會對應到 variations, key 必須唯一不可以重複, 為選填 media_id 圖片庫id 對相同 type 的 variant_options 開啟顯示選項圖片於商品頁面,可在相同 type 的 variant_options 每一個加上 "selector_enabled": true ,並且確定每一個有設定 selector_enabled 的 variant_option 都有 media_id
variant_custom_type_translations |
Array of Objects |
If variant_options is custom_1 , custom_2 or custom_3 , you can edit the custom type name.如果 variant_options 有使用到 type custom_1, custom_2 or custom_3, 才需要編輯此欄位,可以對自訂欄位命名 e.g. "variant_custom_type_translations": [ {"name_translations": { "en": "Custom1", "zh-hant": "自訂1" }, "type": "custom_1"}]
variations |
Array of Objects |
schedule_publish_at |
DateTime |
This product will be automatically online at the time you set. 此商品會於您設定的時間自動上架,若您設定「過去」的時間將不會有作用。 e.g. 2021-04-30T10:00:00.000+00:00 UTC time
available_start_time |
DateTime |
Selling start time in UTC 預設商品銷售開始時間 |
available_end_time |
DateTime |
Selling end time in UTC 預設商品銷售結束時間 |
labels |
Object |
special text tag to promotional or limited-edition products, which can help to catch customers' attention Product Promotion Label FAQ en , zh-hant , zh-cn ,
vi , ms , ja ,
th , id , de ,
fr to create, must include included_fields[]=labels in query string
tax_type |
String |
Tax type 國內稅項 "1": 應稅 "3": 免稅 Default: null |
oversea_tax_type |
String |
Oversea tax type 海外稅項 "1": 應稅 "2": 零稅率-非經海關出口 "5": 零稅率-經海關出口 Default: null |
More on using variations:
There are 2 types of options ( color & size), and each type has 2 options. Thus in this case, we have 2x2 =4 kinds of product variations.
Color: green, red
Size: "en"- l1,s1
Product variations: green+l1 ,green+s1, red+l1 , red+s1
Every option has a key. In this case, the option keys are green, red, l1, s1
Every product variation has at most 2 options, so it has 2 keys as well. (1 key at least)
We can refer to different product variation by key combinations, and set up their corresponding sku and quantity.
variation options 有2種類型 Types (顏色與尺寸),各2種選項 option , 共有4種規格商品product variations如下:
顏色: “zh-hant” - 紅 綠 ; "en"- green, red
尺寸: “zh-hant” - 大1 小1 ; "en"- l1,s1
規格商品: green+l1 ,green+s1, red+l1 , red+s1
每一個 選項 option 都有獨立的 key: green, red, l1, s1
因為每個規格商品最多對應到兩個 options,因此一個規格商品的 variations.key 最多為兩個 keys, 最少為一個key ,使用者可以以key的組合來對應到共四種規格商品, 設定相關的 quantity,sku
More on creating product with images:
As there is a timeout limit for requesting this api endpoint, we advice not to upload too many large-sized images when creating product. Instead, it is recommended to consider to divide the payload and request Add Product Images by batch.
Request Example
Create a product with variation.
"en":"Wonderlife 8PCS Travel Wash Cup Set Plastic Creative Portable Toothbrush Toothpaste Toiletries Storage Box Bathroom"
"en":"<strong>Brand Name:</strong>None<br/><strong>Origin:</strong>CN(Origin)<br/><strong>Material:</strong>PC+PP<br/><strong>Material:</strong><br/><strong>Feature:</strong>Eco-Friendly,Stocked<br/><strong>Type:</strong>Eight-piece Set<br/><strong>Model Number:</strong>Travel wash cup<br/><strong>Roduct name:</strong>Portable brushing cup<br/><strong>Feature1:</strong>Multifunction<br/><strong>Feature2:</strong>Easy to carry<br/><strong>Color:</strong>Gray,Blue,Purple,Orange<br/><strong>Size:</strong>7.2x6.5x20.5cm<div class=\"detailmodule_dynamic\">\n <kse:widget data-widget-type=\"customText\" id=\"1005000000088987\" title=\"\" type=\"custom\"></kse:widget>\n</div><div class=\"detailmodule_image\">\n <img src=\"\" class=\"detail-desc-decorate-image\" style=\"margin-bottom: 10px;\">\n</div><div class=\"detailmodule_text\">\n <p class=\"detail-desc-decorate-content\" style=\"text-overflow: ellipsis;font-family: '\\''OpenSans'\\'';color:'\\''#000'\\'';word-wrap: break-word;white-space: pre-wrap;font-weight: 300;font-size: 14px;line-height: 20px;color: #000;margin-bottom: 12px;\">Features<br>1.Foldable coarse tooth comb:The comb is round and thick, the proportion is coordinated, and the touch is gentle and comfortable.<br>2.Special high-grade toothbrush:Spiral brush head, deep contact with teeth, cleaning teeth gap<br>3.Bamboo fiber towel:Soft and fluffy, absorbent, antibacterial, no odor 4.Translucent design:The color of the liquid in the two lotion bottles is visible, Avoid confusion during use<br>5.Prompt:Do not exceed the prompt line when encapsulating the emulsion to avoid overflow when covering the pump head<br>Specification<br>Colors: Gray,Blue,Purple,Orange<br>Size: 7.2x6.5x20.5cm<br>Weight: 290g,420g,500g<br>Material: PC+PP<br>Package include<br>1*Wash Cup Set<br>Style 1(2 cups) Style 2 (2 cups +1 folding comb +1 bamboo fiber towel + 2 Sub-bottle) Style 3 (2 cups +1 folding comb +1 bamboo fiber towel + 2 Sub-bottle + 1 soft toothbrush + 1 Chinese herbal toothpaste)<br>Note: The actual manual measurement size may have some errors. The actual size is subject to the actual product. Due to different lighting and shooting conditions, the color of the picture may differ slightly from the actual product. Please refer to the actual product.</p>\n</div><div class=\"detailmodule_image\">\n <img src=\"\" class=\"detail-desc-decorate-image\">\n <img src=\"\" class=\"detail-desc-decorate-image\">\n <img src=\"\" class=\"detail-desc-decorate-image\">\n <img src=\"\" class=\"detail-desc-decorate-image\">\n <img src=\"\" class=\"detail-desc-decorate-image\">\n <img src=\"\" class=\"detail-desc-decorate-image\">\n <img src=\"\" class=\"detail-desc-decorate-image\">\n <img src=\"\" class=\"detail-desc-decorate-image\">\n <img src=\"\" class=\"detail-desc-decorate-image\">\n <img src=\"\" class=\"detail-desc-decorate-image\">\n <img src=\"\" class=\"detail-desc-decorate-image\">\n <img src=\"\" class=\"detail-desc-decorate-image\">\n <img src=\"\" class=\"detail-desc-decorate-image\">\n <img src=\"\" class=\"detail-desc-decorate-image\">\n <img src=\"\" class=\"detail-desc-decorate-image\">\n <img src=\"\" class=\"detail-desc-decorate-image\">\n</div><div class=\"detailmodule_dynamic\">\n <kse:widget data-widget-type=\"relatedProduct\" id=\"1005000000108090\" title=\"\" type=\"relation\"></kse:widget>\n</div>"
"all_variations": true,
Response Example
Also same with Get Product
"preorder_limit": -1,
"en":"Shipping starts April 20th, 1971, preorder NOW!",
"zh-hant":"1971/04/20 開始出貨, 立即訂購!"
"preorder_limit": -1,
"preorder_limit": -1,
"preorder_limit": -1,
"preorder_limit": -1,
"en":"Featured Products",
"out_of_stock_orderable": false,
"subscription_enabled": false,
"subscription_period_duration": 30,
"filter_tags": [],
"tax_type": null,
"oversea_tax_type": null
"error": [
"variations: maximum 100 variations"
Updated about 1 year ago