Order Subtotal_items
Data structure of an subtotal items
Field | Column Type | Description | Example |
id | String | Order item's ID (ID of an order item's collection, including item_type, item_id..and so on) 系統自行創建訂單品項ID | 5b2b64bd8d1db91156002687 |
item_type | String | Order item type: Product 商品 AddonProduct 加購品 Gift 贈品 CustomProduct 自訂商品 ProductSet 組合商品 | Product |
item_data | Hash | CartItem snapshot (when customer place order) 顧客下訂單時,在購物車內的品項資訊快照 | |
item_data. selected_child_products.child_product_id | String | ProductSet子商品的商品ID (等同於 child_products[].id) | 61f0c202caa9cf001160b8be |
item_data. selected_child_products.child_variation_id | String | ProductSet子商品的規格商品ID (等同於 child_products[]. variation_id) | 61f0c202caa9cf001160b8be |
item_data. selected_child_products. quantity | Integer | ProductSet子商品的購買數量 | 1 |
item_id | String | ID of Product/Addon Product/Gift 商品/加購品/贈品的ID (Custom Product doesn't have a item_id) (自訂商品沒有item_id) | 5892d7339a76f01718000b53 |
item_variation_id | String | (To-Be-Deprecated) 規格商品ID請使用下方item_variation_key欄位 | |
item_variation_key | String | Variation ID 規格商品的ID | 5b2b5e4a4e22a6ff3200259d |
item_price | Money | Item Price 實際最終的結帳售價 | { "cents": 888, "currency_symbol": "NT$", "currency_iso": "TWD", "label": "NT$888", "dollars": 888.0 } |
object_data.price | Money | Price 原價格 -- 若是組合商品,則是組合原價 | { "cents": 900, "currency_symbol": "NT$", "currency_iso": "TWD", "label": "NT$900", "dollars": 900 } |
object_data.price_sale | Money | Sale price 特價 -- 若是組合商品,則是列表展示售價 | { "cents": 500, "currency_symbol": "NT$", "currency_iso": "TWD", "label": "NT$500", "dollars": 500 } |
object_data.cost | Money | Cost 成本價 | { "cents": 100, "currency_symbol": "NT$", "currency_iso": "TWD", "label": "NT$100", "dollars": 100 } |
item_points | Integer | Points used for single item 兌換商品所需點數 | 7 |
title_translations | Translation | Product name 商品名稱 | { "en": "Sl Watch", "zh-hant": "Sl 手錶" } |
fields_translations | Hash | Product variation combination Containing the translation of the combination of variant type | { "en": [ "Red", "M" ], "zh-hant": [ "紅", "中" ] } |
sku | String | Product SKU 商品貨號 | sl_watch_red_m |
is_preorder | Boolean | Is preorder 是否是預購商品 | false |
preorder_note_translations | Translation | Preorder product note 商品預購提示 | { "en": "Preorder product, shipping at 5/1", "zh-hant": "預購商品,5/1出貨" } |
quantity | Integer | Order item quantity 商品數量 | 1 |
total | Money | Order item price multiplied by quantity 商品總價 | |
order_discounted_price | Money | Discount amount for discounts of all products 該商品適用全單折扣之金額 (註:整筆訂單之折扣,會依金額比例分攤至不同的商品中) | |
discounted_price | Money | Discount amount for discounts of selected products 該商品適用指定商品折扣之金額 | |
total_points | Integer | Total points cost on same product (item_points * quantity) 此商品的總點數 | 14 |
media | Media | Cover image of the order item 商品圖片 | Please refer the JSON example below. |
object_data | Object | Product snapshot 商品快照 | { "location_id": "LU1234" } |
child_products | Array of object | The products in a product set 組合商品內的商品 -- Appear only when item_type is productSet 只有item_type是組合商品才會出現 | |
child_products[].id | String | 子商品商品ID | |
child_products[].variation_id | String | 子商品商品規格ID | |
child_products[].title_translations | Translation | 子商品商品名稱 | |
child_products[].fields_translations | Hash | 子商品商品規格名稱 | |
child_products[].price | Money | 子商品商品原價 | |
child_products[].price_sale | Money | 子商品商品特價 | |
child_products[].sku | String | 子商品商品sku | |
child_products[].weight | Number | 子商品商品重量 |
JSON example
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"zh-hant":"Sl 手錶"
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What does it mean for "snapshot"?
The "snapshot" means we will keep the product info when customer place an order.
For example, if a customer add ProductA with price $30 in her cart and then create an order with order_id = 12345
. After that, the shop staff modify the price of ProductA to $50. When you use Get Order API to get this order(order_id = 12345
), the 'item_data' will still show ProductA with price $30.
Updated about 1 year ago