Update Affiliate Campaign
To update some information of an affiliate campaign
PUT <<api_domain>>/v1/affiliate_campaigns/:id
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description | Example |
id *Required | String | Affiliate campaign ID 欲更新的推薦活動 ID | 6049d431709478001d7c496b |
name | String | Affiliate campaign name 推薦活動名稱 | Affiliate Campaign Name |
promotion_id | String | Promotion id 套用優惠折扣 ID -null : 不套用折扣 promotion_id : 只能填入設定 "僅適用於推薦活動的" 優惠 | 5ce0d084e388096bdb229a59 |
partner_info | Object | Partner info 合作夥伴資訊 | { "partner_info": { "name": "Sam Chen", "email": "example@domain.com" } } |
campaign_products | Array[Object] | 指定分潤商品 Add item without id param to array to create new campaign product. Remove item from array to delete campaign product. Update item is not allowed. 藉由新增不含 id 的物件到陣列中,即可新增新的 Campaign Product。 從陣列中移除物件即可刪除該 Campaign Product。 不可更新任何已存在的 Campaign Product 其資料。 | { "id": "5ce0d084e388096bdb229a59", "product_id": "5ce0d084e388096bdb229a59", "affiliate_percentage": 30 } |
start_at | DateTime | Affiliate campaign start time 推薦活動開始時間 | 2018-01-10T06:33:45.231+00:00 |
end_at | DateTime | Affiliate campaign end time 推薦活動結束時間 - null = no end date 永不過期 | 2018-01-10T06:33:45.231+00:00 |
remarks_translations | Translation | Remarks translations 顯示於KOL Hub 的條款說明 feature key: affiliate_kol_report | {} |
Request Example
curl --location --request PUT '<<api_domain>>/v1/affiliate_campaigns/:id' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer your token' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"name": "Update Campaign Name 1670829482",
"promotion_id": null,
"start_at": "2022-12-12T07:18:01.846Z",
"end_at": null
Response Field
Updated 4 months ago