Update Category
To update current categories information with open API.
透過open API更新既有分類資訊
PUT <<api_domain>>/v1/categories/:category_id
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description | Example |
category_id * required | String | Category ID 分類ID | ruby 5c74f405e388095f35c25f59 |
name_translations | Hash | Category Name 分類名稱 - *Can fill language en , zh-hant , max length is 40 characters.可填寫不同語言 en , zh-hant , 最長40字 | ruby "name_translations": { "en": "Category Name", "zh-hant": "分類名稱" } |
seo_title_translations | Hash | Title of SEO SEO優化標題 - *Max length is 55 characters. 最長55字 | ruby "seo_title_translations": { "en": "Category SEO title", "zh-hant": " 分類 SEO 名稱" } |
seo_description_translations | Hash | Description of SEO SEO優化描述 - *Max length is 230 characters. 最長230字 | ruby "seo_description_translations": { "en": "Category SEO description", "zh-hant": "分類 SEO 簡介" } |
seo_keywords | String | Keywords of SEO, SEO關鍵字 - *Keywords should be separated by commas (,) max length is 160 characters. 關鍵字應以逗號(,)分隔, 最長160字 | ruby "seo_keywords": "online shop, shopline, 電商, 網路開店" |
seo_link | String | SEO url 自訂SEO url | ruby "seo_link": "shopline" |
parent_id | String | Decide which category is its parent category. 該分類的母分類 - *Please follow the rules below: 1.Parent category can not be itself 母分類不可是他自己 2.Can not be more than three layers after restructure 不可以多於三層分類 | ruby "parent_id": "5c497098e3880960534a2733" |
banner_url | String | Category Banner Picture 分類横幅圖片 | ruby "banner_url": "https://shopline.tw/blog/wp- content/uploads/2015/11/logo-shopline-white.png" |
priority | Integer | Category Sorting Priority 分類權重排序 - Sort category from small to large. Having higher priority with smaller number. 由小至大排序,數字越小的會排在越前面。 | ruby "priority": 15 |
JSON params example
"category": {
"name_translations": {
"en": "Featured Products",
"zh-hant": "精選商品",
"zh-hk": "精選商品",
"zh-cn": "精选商品",
"zh-tw": "精選商品",
"ja": "おすすめ商品",
"seo_title_translations": {
"en": "SEO",
"zh-hant": "SEO優化"
"seo_description_translations": {
"en": "SEO",
"zh-hant": "SEO內文"
"seo_keywords": "關鍵字修改",
"seo_link": "shopline",
"parent_id": "5de4b3fe461b13002154587f",
"banner_url": "https://shopline.tw/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/logo-shopline-white.png",
"priority": "1.0"
"category": {
"name_translations": { "en": "換季特賣" },
"seo_title_translations": { "en": "Seasonal sale", "zh-hant": "換季特賣" },
"seo_description_translations": { "en": "Winter clothes- inventory clearance of clothes, shoes, boots, purses and other seasonal items.", "zh-hant": "冬季清倉特賣" },
"seo_keywords": "特賣, 冬季",
"seo_link": "seasonal_sale",
"banner_url": "https://shopline.tw/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/logo-shopline-white.png",
"parent_id": "5c497098e3880960534a2733",
"priority": 15
Response Example
"id": "5c74f405e388095f35c25f59",
"name_translations": {
"en": "換季特賣"
"seo_title_translations": {
"en": "Seasonal sale",
"zh-hant": "換季特賣"
"seo_description_translations": {
"en": "Winter clothes- inventory clearance of clothes, shoes, boots, purses and other seasonal items.",
"zh-hant": "冬季清倉特賣"
"seo_keywords": "特賣, 冬季",
"key": null,
"status": "active",
"banner_medias": [
"images": {
"original": {
"width": 1600,
"height": 500,
"url": "https://img.shoplineapp.com/media/image_clips/5c74f404e388095f35c25f58/original.png?1551168515"
"thumb": {
"width": 1600,
"height": 500,
"url": "https://img.shoplineapp.com/media/image_clips/5c74f404e388095f35c25f58/original.png?1551168515"
"source": {
"width": 1600,
"height": 500,
"url": "https://img.shoplineapp.com/media/image_clips/5c74f404e388095f35c25f58/original.png?1551168515"
"favicon_small": {
"width": 16,
"height": 16,
"url": "https://img.shoplineapp.com/media/second_clips/5c74f404e388095f35c25f58/favicon_small.png?1551168516"
"favicon": {
"width": 32,
"height": 32,
"url": "https://img.shoplineapp.com/media/second_clips/5c74f404e388095f35c25f58/favicon.png?1551168516"
"favicon_large": {
"width": 64,
"height": 64,
"url": "https://img.shoplineapp.com/media/second_clips/5c74f404e388095f35c25f58/favicon_large.png?1551168516"
"transparent_thumb": {
"width": 200,
"height": 200,
"url": "https://img.shoplineapp.com/media/second_clips/5c74f404e388095f35c25f58/transparent_thumb.png?1551168516"
"transparent_large": {
"width": 500,
"height": 156,
"url": "https://img.shoplineapp.com/media/second_clips/5c74f404e388095f35c25f58/transparent_large.png?1551168516"
"transparent_xlarge": {
"width": 1000,
"height": 313,
"url": "https://img.shoplineapp.com/media/second_clips/5c74f404e388095f35c25f58/transparent_xlarge.png?1551168516"
"transparent_medium": {
"width": 250,
"height": 78,
"url": "https://img.shoplineapp.com/media/second_clips/5c74f404e388095f35c25f58/transparent_medium.png?1551168516"
"_id": "5c74f404e388095f35c25f58",
"alt_translations": {}
"parent_id": "5c497098e3880960534a2733",
"priority": 15
Updated 6 months ago