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Create Promotions

POST <<api_domain>>/v1/promotions

To create detailed information of couple promotions

Type of promotion support include

  • 折扣優惠 discount amount amount
  • 免運費 free shipping free_shipping
    If discount_on = item & conditions is empty, then it's a partial free shipping promotion (is_partial_free_shipping = true
  • 購物車加購價 addon addon
    Only min_price is allowed in conditions
  • 任選優惠 bundle pricing bundle_pricing
    Only min_item_count is allowed in conditions
  • A+B 組合優惠 bundle group bundle_group
    Only min_item_count is allowed; type and whitelisted_product_ids are required in conditions
  • 點數兌換活動 member point gift redeem member_point_redeem_gift

Request Example

curl --location --request POST '<<api_domain>>/v1/promotions' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: ${token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "promotion": {
        "codes": [],
        "conditions": [
                "min_item_count": null,
                "min_price": 1000,
                //"subscription_period": "",
                "type": "red",
                "whitelisted_product_ids": [],
                "blacklisted_product_ids": [],
                "whitelisted_category_ids": []
        //"description_translations": {
        //    "en": "Promotion description"
        "discount_on": "order",
        "discount_percentage": 12,
        "discount_type": "percentage",
        "discountable_quantity": 1000,
        "end_at": "",
        //"extend_promotions": [],
        "benefit_tiers": [
                "discount_percentage": 1,
                "discount_amount": 1,
                "discountable_quantity": 1,
                "min_item_count": 1,
                "min_price": 1111,
                "discountable_product_ids": [],
                "discounted_price": 11
        "max_use_count": null,
        //"min_price_type": "after_discount",
        "requires_membership": false,
        "show_coupon": false,
        "start_at": "2020/12/17 04:00 PM",
        "title_translations": {
            "en": "abc"
        "user_max_use_count": 0,
        "whitelisted_delivery_option_ids": [],
        "whitelisted_membership_tier_ids": [],
        "whitelisted_payment_ids": [],
        "whitelisted_tag_contents": [],
        "discountable_product_ids": [],
        "discountable_category_ids": [],
        "status": "active",
        "discounted_price": 123,
        "discount_amount": 11,
        "is_accumulated": true,
        //"extended_promotion_id": "",
        //"membership_tier_id": "",
        //"seo_title_translations": {
        //    "en": ""
        //"seo_description_translations": {
        //    "en": ""
        //"seo_keywords": "",
        //   "term_translations": {"en": "Here this terms"},
        //   "banner_media_ids": [ ],
        "for_affiliate_campaign": false,
        //"discounted_point": ""

Types of Request Sample

    "promotion": {
        "title_translations": {
            "en": "Promotions & Campaigns",
            "zh-hant": "優惠活動1"
        "conditions": [
                "min_price": 100,
                "min_item_count": null,
                "blacklisted_product_ids": []
        "start_at": "2021/09/06 06:00 PM",
        "end_at": "2021/09/07 12:00 AM",
        "max_use_count": null,
        "requires_membership": false,
        //"min_price_type": "after_discount",
        "user_max_use_count": 0,
        "first_purchase_only": false,
        "discountable_quantity": null,
        "discount_type": "amount",
        "discount_on": "order",
        "whitelisted_payment_ids": [
        "whitelisted_delivery_option_ids": [
        "whitelisted_membership_tier_ids": [],
        "codes": [],
        "discount_amount": 100
    "promotion": {
        "title_translations": {
            "en": "free shipping"
        "conditions": [
                "min_price": 10
        "start_at": "2021/09/06 06:00 pm",
        "end_at": "",
        "max_use_count": null,
        "requires_membership": false,
        //"min_price_type": "after_discount",
        "user_max_use_count": 0,
        "first_purchase_only": false,
        "discountable_quantity": null,
        "discount_type": "free_shipping",
        "discount_on": "order",
        "whitelisted_payment_ids": [
        "whitelisted_delivery_option_ids": [
        "whitelisted_membership_tier_ids": [],
        "is_accumulated": true,
        "codes": []
}       "codes": [],
        "discount_amount": 100
    "promotion": {
        "title_translations": {
            "zh-hant": "購物車加價購",
            "en": "must have this field"
        "conditions": [
            "min_price": 10
        "start_at": "2021/09/07 11:00 AM",
        "end_at": "2021/09/25 12:00 AM",
        "discount_type": "addon",
        "discount_on": "order",
        "addon_products": [
                "addon_product_id": "60c9cd1b0053cc00462aad3f",
                "discounted_price": 22,
                "discountable_quantity": 1
    "promotion": {
        "title_translations": {
            "en": "Bundle pricing promotion",
            "zh-hant": "任選優惠"
        "conditions": [
                "min_price": null,
                "min_item_count": 2,
                "whitelisted_product_ids": [
                "blacklisted_product_ids": []
        "start_at": "2021/09/06 06:00 PM",
        "end_at": "2021/09/18 12:00 AM",
        "max_use_count": null,
        "requires_membership": false,
        //"min_price_type": "after_discount",
        "user_max_use_count": 0,
        "first_purchase_only": false,
        "discountable_quantity": null,
        "discount_type": "bundle_pricing",
        "discount_on": "item",
        "discountable_product_ids": [
        "whitelisted_payment_ids": [
        "whitelisted_delivery_option_ids": [
        "whitelisted_membership_tier_ids": [],
        "is_accumulated": true,
        "codes": [],
        "discounted_price": 100
    "promotion": {
        "title_translations": {
            "en": "A+B promotions"
        "conditions": [
                "min_item_count": 1,
                "type": "red",
                "whitelisted_product_ids": [
                "min_item_count": 1,
                "type": "green",
                "whitelisted_product_ids": [
        "start_at": "2021/09/07 04:00 PM",
        "end_at": null,
        "max_use_count": null,
        "requires_membership": false,
        //"min_price_type": "after_discount",
        "user_max_use_count": 0,
        "first_purchase_only": false,
        "discountable_quantity": null,
        "discount_type": "bundle_group",
        "discount_on": "item",
        "discountable_product_ids": [
        "whitelisted_payment_ids": [
        "whitelisted_delivery_option_ids": [
        "whitelisted_membership_tier_ids": [],
        "is_accumulated": true,
        "codes": [],
        "discounted_price": 50
    "promotion": {
        "title_translations": {
            "en": "member point gift promotion",
            "zh-hant": "點數兌換"
        "start_at": "2021/09/06 12:00 AM",
        "end_at": "2021/09/30 12:00 AM",
        "discount_type": "member_point_redeem_gift",
        "discount_on": "order",
        "discountable_product_ids": [
        "gifts": [
                "discounted_point": 123,
                "gift_id": "610258328c5acd00452fcf8b"
        "term_translations": {
            "en": "this is where you put your terms and conditions",
            "zh-hant": "條款和條件"
        "banner_media_ids": []

Request parameters

promotionPromotionPlease check the link on the left

Response Example

  "id": "5e8445bcca53240021eab706",
  "discount_percentage": 10,
  "discount_amount": {
    "cents": 999999999,
    "currency_symbol": "NT$",
    "currency_iso": "TWD",
    "label": "NT$999,999,999",
    "dollars": 999999999
  "discountable_quantity": 3,
  "discounted_point": 100,
  "discounted_price": {
    "cents": 999999999,
    "currency_symbol": "NT$",
    "currency_iso": "TWD",
    "label": "NT$999,999,999",
    "dollars": 999999999
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      "min_item_count": 2,
      "min_price": null,
      "type": null,
      "whitelisted_product_ids": [
      "whitelisted_category_ids": [],
      "blacklisted_product_ids": []
  "title_translations": {
    "en": "string",
    "zh-hant": "string",
    "zh-cn": "string",
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    "ms": "string",
    "ja": "string",
    "th": "string",
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    "fr": "string"
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  "discount_type": "percentage",
  "is_accumulated": true,
  "codes": [
  "show_coupon": true,
  "membership_tier_id": "5e844fb7b6c29b000f00f9c6",
  "requires_membership": true,
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  "whitelisted_tag_contents": [
  "user_max_use_count": 1,
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  "sum_use_count": 14,
  "drew_coupon_count": 0,
  "whitelisted_delivery_option_ids": [
  "whitelisted_payment_ids": [
  "start_at": "2020-07-09T04:00:00.000+00:00",
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  "is_contain_campaign": true,
  "seo_keywords": "summer special",
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      "discount_percentage": null,
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      "discounted_point": 10000,
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      "discountable_product_ids": [
      "conditions": []