Get Orders
Breaking Changes
Sept.18, 2024 訂單資料更新 - 訂單封存 (Order Data Update - Order Archiving)
Get Archived Orders 使用場景
SHOPLINE 將依據訂單狀態封存超過一定期限的訂單資料(訂單封存條件可參考 FAQ 說明)
Get Order
、Get Orders
透過指定 訂單 ID 的方式抓取訂單資料,訂單資料標示如下時,則表示該訂單已封存,則需透過Get Archived Orders
- Get Order - 收到 410 response (請參閱 Get Order)
- Get Orders - response 中標註已封存訂單 (請參閱 Get Orders)
Get Archived Orders
To get detailed information of couple orders sorted by time
GET <<api_domain>>/v1/orders
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Description | Example |
updated_after | DateTime | Filter orders by those updated after specific time. 取得 updated_at 大於指定時間的訂單(包含指定時間) - * should use UTC time Note: 當 order_delivery 資料更新時,並不會更新 order 本身的 updated_at,因此用這個參數會撈不出例如過去一小時送貨狀態有更新的訂單 (此情境建議訂閱 order_delivery/update webhook) | updated_after=2018-01-01 00:00:00 |
updated_before | DateTime | Filter orders by those updated before specific time. 取得 updated_at 小於指定時間的訂單(包含指定時間) - * should use UTC time | updated_before=2018-01-01 00:00:00 |
created_after | DateTime | Filter orders by those created after specific time. 取得 created_at 大於指定時間的訂單(包含指定時間) - * should use UTC time | created_after=2018-01-01 00:00:00 |
created_before | DateTime | Filter orders by those created before specific time. 取得 created_at 小於指定時間的訂單(包含指定時間) - * should use UTC time | created_before=2018-01-01 00:00:00 |
order_ids | Array | Order IDs 指定Order IDs | order_ids[]=5f450eace388093f603a3b95 |
previous_id | String | To fetch data for the next page, include the ID of the last order from the previous page. 用於拿取下一分頁資料,請帶入前一分頁的最後一筆訂單 ID When fetching orders for the first page, this parameter is not required. 拿取第一頁訂單時,可以不用帶此參數 | previous_id=6466f658328ad9616db2984e |
per_page | Integer | Numbers of Orders per Page 每頁顯示 n 筆資料 (Default: 24) - *If there're many orders, it's suggested to set per_page number to 50 如果訂單眾多,建議per_page至多設定50 | per_page=20 |
page | Integer | Page Number 頁數 (Default: 1) 當使用 Parameter previous_id 時,可以移除 Parameter page | page=1 |
sort_by | String | Setting sort by created time 設定創建時間排序 (Default: desc )- asc: asending 升冪 - desc: descending 降冪 | sort_by=desc sort_by=asc |
Response fields
Field | Type | Description | Example |
items | Get Order | Order Information 訂單資訊 | Please check the link on the left |
pagination | Pagination | Pagination 頁面資訊 | Please check the link on the left |
error | Object | Error Orders notfound -> orders not exist gone -> orders archived | Please check the below example |
Response Example
JSON sample
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