Get Delivery Option
To get delivery option information by inputing delivery option ID
GET <<api_domain>>/v1/delivery_options/:id
Request example
Parameter | Type | Description | Example |
id *Required | String | Delivery Option ID 物流方式ID | ruby 58d25b6201cda3475300002b |
Response fields
Field | Type | Description | Example |
id | String | Delivery Option ID 送貨方式ID | 58d25b6201cda3475300002b |
status | String | Delivery Option Status 送貨方式狀態 - Status allows: _active 啟用中 _draft 隱藏 | active |
name_translations | Translation | Delivery Option Name 送貨方式名稱 | 面交取貨 |
requires_customer_address | Boolean | Requires Customer Address 需要顧客提供地址 | |
show_description_on_checkout | Boolean | Display description on the checkout page 在結帳頁面上顯示送貨方式簡介 | |
description_translations | Translation | Delivery Option Description 送貨方式簡介 | |
delivery_time_description_translations | Translation | Description of Delivery Time 到貨時間說明 | |
fee_type | String | Fee Type 收費模式 - Fee type allow: flat flatweight subtotal _ item_count * sl_logistic | flat |
form_fields | Array | ||
region_type | String | Delivery Option Code 送貨方式代碼 (等同於 Order Delivery 的 platform )- custom: 自訂 - store_pickup: 門市自取 - sfexpress: 順豐速運 - tw_711_nopay: 7-11 取貨不付款 (C2C) - tw_711_pay: 7-11 取貨付款 (C2C) - tw_711_b2c_nopay: 7-11 取貨不付款 (B2C) - tw_711_b2c_pay: 7-11 取貨付款 (B2C) - emap_only_711: 7-11 超商取貨 (純地圖) - tw_simple_711: 7-11 取貨 (無串接) - cross_border_711_store_pick_up: 7-11 跨境門市取貨不付款 - cross_border_711_home_delivery: 7-11 跨境宅配 - tw_simple_familymart: 全家取貨 (無串接) - tw_ezship: ezship 超商取貨付款 - 711_return_nopay: 7-11 退貨便 (C2B) - tw_fm_b2c_nopay: 全家 取貨不付款 (B2C) - tw_fm_b2c_pay: 全家 取貨付款 (B2C) - tw_fm_c2c_nopay: 全家 取貨不付款 (C2C) - tw_fm_c2c_pay: 全家 取貨付款 (C2C) - emap_only_fm: 全家超商取貨 (純地圖) - hk_integrated_sfexpress: 順豐速運 (串接) - hk_integrated_sf_pickup: 順豐速運 (串接) - hk_pakpobox: Alfred 智能櫃 - tw_tcat_roomtemp: 黑貓宅配 - 常溫 - tw_tcat_roomtemp_cod: 黑貓宅配 - 常溫 (貨到付款) - tw_tcat_refrigerated: 黑貓宅配 - 冷藏 - tw_tcat_refrigerated_cod: 黑貓宅配 - 冷藏 (貨到付款) - tw_tcat_frozen: 黑貓宅配 - 冷凍 - tw_tcat_frozen_cod: 黑貓宅配 - 冷凍 (貨到付款) - custom_return: 自訂退貨 - sl_logistics_fmt_freeze_pay: 全家 冷凍取貨付款 (B2C) - sl_logistics_fmt_freeze_nopay: 全家 冷凍取貨不付款 (B2C) - sl_logistics_kerry_th_nd: Kerry ND(經由 SL logistics) - sl_logistics_kerry_th_nd_cod: Kerry ND 貨到付款(經由 SL logistics) - sl_logistics_kerry_th_2d: Kerry 宅配(標準) - sl_logistics_kerry_th_2d_cod: Kerry 宅配 - 貨到付款(標準) - sl_logistics_kerry_th_3d: Kerry 3D(經由 SL logistics) - sl_logistics_kerry_th_3d_cod: Kerry 3D 貨到付款(經由 SL logistics) - sl_logistics_yto_home: 中國 - 台灣物流專線宅配(標準 - 普貨) - sl_logistics_yto_home_cod: 中國 - 台灣物流專線宅配- 貨到付款(標準 - 普貨) - sl_logistics_yto_store: 中國 - 台灣物流專線超取 - 取貨不付款(標準 - 普貨) - sl_logistics_yto_store_cod: 中國 - 台灣物流專線超取 - 取貨付款(標準 - 普貨) - sl_logistics_yto_special_home: 中國 - 台灣物流專線宅配(標準 - 特貨) - sl_logistics_yto_special_home_cod: 中國 - 台灣物流專線宅配- 貨到付款(標準 - 特貨) - sl_logistics_yto_special_store: 中國 - 台灣物流專線超取 - 取貨不付款(標準 - 特貨) - sl_logistics_yto_special_store_cod: 中國 - 台灣物流專線超取 - 取貨付款(標準 - 特貨) | tw_711_b2c_pay |
delivery_type | String | ## 物流的分類post 宅配 pickup 超商取貨/自取 custom 自訂 store_pickup 門市自取 | custom |
excluded_payment_ids | Array | Excluded Payment Method IDs 該送貨方式排除的付款方式ID | 5de88dbdce10df002ad927e0 |
config_data | Hash | Configuration Data 物流設置資訊 | See Example2 below |
config_data.lead_time | String | Lead Time 預估備貨天數 | 10 |
config_data.max_lead_time | String | Selectable day length (from lead time) 備貨期後可指定的天數長度 | 1 |
config_data.excluded_weekdays | Array | Exclude specific day of week 排除特定星期 | "excluded_weekdays": "data": { " Meaning: Exclude Sunday & Monday 排除星期日和星期一 |
config_data.excluded_dates | Array | Excluded Dates 排除特定日期 | "excluded_dates": { "data": { "h-0": "Field", "h-1": "Type", "h-2": "Description", "h-3": "Example", " |
config_data.delivery_time_required | Boolean | "Specified Date" is a required field 指定出貨日期是否必填 | false |
config_data.specific_delivery_time_translations | Array | Specified Timeslot 出貨訂單需指定時段 | "en": "morning","zh-hant": "上午" |
supported_countries | Array | Supported Countries 可支援配送區域 | [block |
delivery_rates | Array | Delivery Fee 運費 | [{ "countries": "h-0": "F, "rate_limit": -1, "fee": { "cents": 0, "currency_symbol": "HK$", "currency_iso": "HKD", "label": "", "dollars": 0.0, }, }] |
approved | Boolean | true 設定且已審核 false 未設定或未審核通過 | |
support_cod | Boolean | Support COD payment 支援 COD 付款 | |
support_non_cod | Boolean | Support non COD payment 支援 非 COD 付款 | |
store_pickup_option | Hash | For delivery option type as store_pickup, it shows the information of the stores. 物流類別為門市自取的送貨方式可用,顯示門市資訊。 | |
store_pickup_option.config_option | Hash | 篩選門市的下拉選單,讓顧客可以快速找到指定門市。下拉選單 field 最多可以設置三層,依照需求在 label 中帶入字串。 level_fields 表示在結帳時顧客會可下拉的選單層級數量。 | "config_option": { "dropdown_fields_v2": { "zh-hant": [ { "field": "level_1", "label": "縣市" }, { "field": "level_2", "label": null }, { "field": "level_3", "label": null } ] }, "level_fields": [ "level_1" ] } |
store_pickup_option.addresses | Array | 選單選項所對應的門市資訊,讓顧客在選擇到對應選項後可顯示對應的門市,例如: 在上一個欄位 level_fields 前台可以選擇到 level 1, 這邊就在 level 及 next_level 設定對應要顯示的選項內容,直到最後一層的門市資訊: store_name 門市名稱 store_address 門市地址 instruction 指示 channel_id (不會在前台顯示此資訊)⚠️ 只有線上訂門市取的送貨方式才會填入對應的通路 ID 字串,一般門市自取的送貨方式不需填寫此欄位,請留空。 | "addresses": [ { "name_translations": { "en": null, "zh-hant": "台中", "zh-cn": null }, "level": "level_1", "next_level": [ { "name_translations": { "en": null, "zh-hant": "清水區", "zh-cn": null }, "level": "level_2", "next_level": [ { "name_translations": { "en": null, "zh-hant": "市民大道", "zh-cn": null }, "level": "level_3", "next_level": [ { "level": "store", "store_name": { "en": null, "zh-hant": "台中門市", "zh-cn": null }, "store_address": { "en": null, "zh-hant": "台中市清水區X街X號", "zh-cn": null }, "instruction": { "en": null, "zh-hant": "營業時間 10-19", "zh-cn": null }, "channel_id": null } ] } ] |
is_return | Boolean | Is It Return Delivery 是否為退貨 |
Response Example
"id": "58d25b6201cda3475300002b",
"status": "active",
"name_translations": {
"zh-hant": "面交取貨"
"requires_customer_address": false,
"description_translations": {},
"fee_type": "flat",
"form_fields": null,
"region_type": "custom",
"excluded_payment_ids": [
"config_data": {
"lead_time": 4,
"specific_delivery_time_translations": [
"en": "morning",
"zh-hant": "上午"
"en": "afternoon",
"zh-hant": "下午"
"excluded_weekdays": [
"supported_countries": [
"is_return": false,
"_id": "605b1c46e5a0600044fbcba0",
"created_at": "2021-03-24T11:02:30.322Z",
"updated_at": "2022-02-18T09:28:43.633Z",
"owner_id": "5cac58964c084800011cf924",
"status": "active",
"form_fields": null,
"region_type": "international",
"name_translations": {
"en": "Others",
"zh-hant": "其他test",
"zh-cn": "其他",
"vi": "Khác",
"ms": "Others",
"ja": "Others",
"th": "อื่นๆ",
"id": "Others",
"de": "Others",
"fr": "Others"
"description_translations": {
"en": "",
"zh-hant": "test",
"zh-cn": "",
"vi": "",
"ms": "",
"ja": "",
"th": "",
"id": "",
"de": "",
"fr": ""
"delivery_time_description_translations": {
"en": "",
"zh-hant": "",
"zh-cn": "",
"vi": "",
"ms": "",
"ja": "",
"th": "",
"id": "",
"de": "",
"fr": ""
"show_description_on_checkout": false,
"requires_customer_address": true,
"config_data": {
"shopid": "",
"parentid": "",
"delivery_target_area": "localOnly",
"lead_time": 1,
"max_lead_time": 2,
"execute_shipment_permission": true,
"delivery_time_required": true,
"pakpobox_type": null,
"tcat_egs_id": 1,
"product_name": "delivery_options.options.7_11_cross_border.null",
"attributable_threshold": 0,
"sender_pickup_address": {
"country": "malaysia"
"specific_regions": [],
"specific_delivery_time_translations": [
"zh-hant": "19:00 - 20:00"
"zh-hant": "22:00 - 23:00"
"excluded_weekdays": [
"excluded_dates": [
"date": "2022/02/18"
"date": "2022/02/19"
"fee_type": "flat",
"delivery_rates": [
"_id": "620f66cb15e20e0039ca9774",
"countries": [
"created_at": "2022-02-18T09:28:43.665Z",
"delivery_areas": [],
"delivery_config": {},
"delivery_option_id": "605b1c46e5a0600044fbcba0",
"fee": {
"cents": 22,
"currency_symbol": "NT$",
"currency_iso": "TWD",
"label": "NT$22",
"dollars": 22
"fee_data": null,
"name": null,
"rate_limit": -1,
"updated_at": "2022-02-18T09:28:43.665Z"
"is_return": false,
"time_slots": [],
"calculate_mode": "customized_degree",
"delivery_type": "post",
"supported_countries": [
"fee": {
"cents": 22,
"currency_symbol": "NT$",
"currency_iso": "TWD",
"label": "NT$22",
"dollars": 22
"accepted_countries": [
"id": "628b35c03d678200245a7685",
"status": "active",
"name_translations": {
"en": "",
"zh-hant": "線上訂線下取 - 既有門市功能(沒有綁實體倉庫)"
"description_translations": {
"en": "",
"zh-hant": ""
"requires_customer_address": false,
"show_description_on_checkout": false,
"delivery_time_description_translations": {
"en": "",
"zh-hant": ""
"fee_type": "flat",
"form_fields": null,
"region_type": "store_pickup",
"excluded_payment_ids": [],
"config_data": {
"support_cod": false,
"support_non_cod": true,
"shopid": "",
"parentid": "",
"execute_shipment_permission": true,
"delivery_time_required": false,
"pakpobox_type": null,
"tcat_egs_id": 1,
"product_name": "delivery_options.options.7_11_cross_border.null",
"attributable_threshold": 0,
"delivery_time_slot_enable": false,
"delivery_time_slot_type": "inactive",
"specific_regions": [],
"file_urls": {
"beta_url": "",
"prod_url": ""
"supported_countries": [
"delivery_type": "store_pickup",
"delivery_rates": [
"fee": {
"cents": 0,
"currency_symbol": "NT$",
"currency_iso": "TWD",
"label": "",
"dollars": 0
"rate_limit": -1,
"countries": [
"delivery_areas": [],
"fee_data": {},
"delivery_config": {
"MY": {
"MY_west": false,
"MY_east": false
"TW": {
"local": false,
"outlying_island": false
"approved": null,
"support_cod": null,
"support_non_cod": null,
"store_pickup_option": {
"config_option": {
"dropdown_fields_v2": {
"en": [
"field": "level_1",
"label": null
"field": "level_2",
"label": null
"field": "level_3",
"label": null
"zh-hant": [
"field": "level_1",
"label": "城市"
"field": "level_2",
"label": "區域"
"field": "level_3",
"label": "街道"
"zh-cn": [
"field": "level_1",
"label": null
"field": "level_2",
"label": null
"field": "level_3",
"label": null
"level_fields": [
"addresses": [
"name_translations": {
"en": null,
"zh-hant": "台中",
"zh-cn": null
"level": "level_1",
"next_level": [
"name_translations": {
"en": null,
"zh-hant": "清水區",
"zh-cn": null
"level": "level_2",
"next_level": [
"name_translations": {
"en": null,
"zh-hant": "市民大道",
"zh-cn": null
"level": "level_3",
"next_level": [
"level": "store",
"store_name": {
"en": null,
"zh-hant": "台中門市",
"zh-cn": null
"store_address": {
"en": null,
"zh-hant": "台中市清水區X街X號",
"zh-cn": null
"instruction": {
"en": null,
"zh-hant": "營業時間 10-19",
"zh-cn": null
"channel_id": null
"name_translations": {
"en": null,
"zh-hant": "台南",
"zh-cn": null
"level": "level_1",
"next_level": [
"name_translations": {
"en": null,
"zh-hant": "東區",
"zh-cn": null
"level": "level_2",
"next_level": [
"name_translations": {
"en": null,
"zh-hant": "永康街",
"zh-cn": null
"level": "level_3",
"next_level": [
"level": "store",
"store_name": {
"en": null,
"zh-hant": "台南門市",
"zh-cn": null
"store_address": {
"en": null,
"zh-hant": "台南市永康區X路X號",
"zh-cn": null
"instruction": {
"en": null,
"zh-hant": "營業時間 10-19",
"zh-cn": null
"channel_id": null
"is_return": false
"id": "62d90db84189cd0011b97fb8",
"status": "active",
"name_translations": {
"en": "",
"zh-hant": "線上定線下取 實體門市"
"description_translations": {
"en": "",
"zh-hant": ""
"requires_customer_address": false,
"show_description_on_checkout": false,
"delivery_time_description_translations": {
"en": "",
"zh-hant": ""
"fee_type": "flat",
"form_fields": null,
"region_type": "store_pickup",
"excluded_payment_ids": [],
"config_data": {
"support_cod": false,
"shopid": "",
"parentid": "",
"execute_shipment_permission": true,
"delivery_time_required": false,
"pakpobox_type": null,
"tcat_egs_id": 1,
"product_name": "delivery_options.options.7_11_cross_border.null",
"attributable_threshold": 0,
"delivery_time_slot_enable": false,
"delivery_time_slot_type": "date",
"specific_regions": [],
"file_urls": {
"beta_url": "",
"prod_url": ""
"instore_pickup_config": {
"binded_warehouse": true,
"channel_warehouse": {
"611cac6ec471f30026800985": "611cac6072747a003be3a129",
"611cac7d8355b3003585c27f": "611cac55c471f300208009c0"
"support_non_cod": true
"supported_countries": [
"delivery_type": "store_pickup",
"delivery_rates": [
"fee": {
"cents": 0,
"currency_symbol": "NT$",
"currency_iso": "TWD",
"label": "",
"dollars": 0
"rate_limit": -1,
"countries": [
"delivery_areas": [],
"fee_data": {},
"delivery_config": {}
"approved": null,
"support_cod": null,
"support_non_cod": null,
"store_pickup_option": {
"config_option": {
"dropdown_fields_v2": {
"en": [
"field": "level_1",
"label": null
"field": "level_2",
"label": null
"field": "level_3",
"label": null
"zh-hant": [
"field": "level_1",
"label": null
"field": "level_2",
"label": null
"field": "level_3",
"label": null
"level_fields": []
"addresses": [
"level": "store",
"store_name": {
"en": null,
"zh-hant": "台北門市"
"store_address": {
"en": null,
"zh-hant": "台北市大安區敦化南路一段23號"
"instruction": {
"en": null,
"zh-hant": null
"channel_id": "611cac7d8355b3003585c27f"
"level": "store",
"store_name": {
"en": null,
"zh-hant": "新竹門市"
"store_address": {
"en": null,
"zh-hant": "新竹市東區中正路123號"
"instruction": {
"en": null,
"zh-hant": null
"channel_id": "611cac6ec471f30026800985"
"is_return": false
Updated 8 months ago