id | String | Promotion ID 優惠活動ID | 5e8445bcca53240021eab706 |
discount_percentage | Float | Discount percentage 折扣百分比 - *Applicable when discount_type is percentage 當discount_type為percentage時適用 | 10.0 |
discount_amount | Money | Discount amount 折扣固定金額 - *Applicable when discount_type is gift 當discount_type為amount時適用 | Please check the link on the left |
discountable_quantity | Integer | Quantity 獲得數量 - *When discount_type is gift, this field refers to quantity of gift 當discount_type為gift時,此為贈品數量*When discount_type is addon, this field refers to quality of add-on 當discount_type為addon時,此為可加購數量 | 3 |
discounted_point | Integer | Amount of point to redeem gift 點數兌換 - *Applicable when discount_type is member_point_redeem_gift 當discount_type為member_point_redeem_gift時適用 | 100 |
discounted_price | Money | Discounted price 優惠價格 - *Applicable when discount_type is bundle_pricing/ bundle_group/addon 當discount_type為bundle_pricing/ bundle_group/addon時適用 | Please check the link on the left |
discountable_product_ids | Array | Ids of Discounted product 指定商品ids | [ "5e8420f2ad0fba0015406e56", "5e8420b54c61c3001ea5155c" ] |
discountable_category_ids | Array | Ids of Discounted category 指定商品分類ids | [ "5e8c5b7ee3880972601cd58c", "5f48cb50e38809d8b4801609" ] |
conditions | Array | Condition of the promotion to take effect 本階層活動生效條件 - id = condition id 條件ID min_item_count = minimum amount of item 滿件 min_price = minimum price 滿額 type = A or B bundle group A組(紅標)或B組(綠標) *Applicable when discount_type is bundle_group 當discount_type為bundle_group時適用 whitelisted_product_ids = whitelisted product ids指定商品條件ids whitelisted_category_ids = whitelisted category ids 指定分類條件ids blacklisted_product_ids = blacklisted product ids 指定分類排除商品 | [ { "id": "5f06c338a5daed002d2dbc7e", "min_item_count": 2, "min_price": null, "type": null, "whitelisted_product_ids": [ "5e8420f2ad0fba0015406e56", "5e8420b54c61c3001ea5155c" ], "whitelisted_category_ids": [], "blacklisted_product_ids": [] } ] |
discount_on | String | Promotion target 優惠套用對象 - order = Entire shop 全店 item = Specific item 指定商品 category = Specific category 指定分類 | order |
discount_type | String | Discount type 折扣類型 - percentage: 折扣% amount: 固定金額 gift: 贈品 addon: 加購品 free_shipping: 免運 bundle_pricing: 任選優惠 bundle_group: A+B組合優惠(紅配綠) member_point_redeem_gift: 點數兌換贈品 subscription_gift | percentage |
is_accumulated | Boolean | Is bundle pricing or bundle pricing accumulated? 任選優惠/A+B組合優惠是否累計 | true |
codes | Array | Coupon Code 促銷代碼 | [ "VIP001", "VIP002" ] |
requires_membership | Boolean | Does it require membership? 設定目標群組 - false: 所有顧客 true: 會員 | true |
whitelisted_membership_tier_ids | Array | Specific Membership Tiers 適用會員等級 | [ "5e844fb7b6c29b000f00f9c6", "5e844fa74c61c30030a521f3" ] |
user_max_use_count | Integer | Limit per member 每會員最多使用次數 - null = Unlimited 不限使用次數 | 1 |
max_use_count | Integer | How many times can this promotion be used? 活動限使用次數 - null = Unlimited 不限使用次數 | 20 |
use_count | Integer | Usage of this layer of promotion 本階層活動已使用次數 | 5 |
sum_use_count | Integer | Total usage of promotion 活動已使用次數 | 14 |
whitelisted_delivery_option_ids | Array | Delivery options that applicable to the promotion 活動適用送貨方式 | [ "5e8417e7d4f5f100393710fa", "5e841409beef3d001b403c3c", "5e8413ed563778001e96a319" ] |
whitelisted_payment_ids | Array | Payment options that applicable to the promotion 活動適用付款方式 | [ "5e8413688fa5fc00159950d1", "5e84133f95b3340015764347", "5e84132050b28e002d149b18", "5e840fe1ca53240018eaaa50" ] |
start_at | DateTime | Promotion start time 活動開始時間 | 2020-07-09T04:00:00.000+00:00 |
end_at | DateTime | Promotion end time 活動結束時間 - null = no end date 永不過期 | null |
status | String | Promotion status 活動狀態 - active: 上架 draft: 下架 hidden: 會員默認優惠/主商品加購品 removed: 刪除 | active |
usable | Boolean | Is promotion active 優惠是否進行中 - true: published and not expired上架且沒有過期 false: unpublished or published and expired上架已過期 或是 下架 | true |
for_affiliate_campaign | Boolean | Is applicable to affiliate campaign 是否適用於推薦活動 | true |
is_contain_campaign | Boolean | Is binded to affiliate campaign 是否已綁定推薦活動 | true |
seo_keywords | String | SEO keywords SEO 關鍵字 | "summer special" |
seo_description_translations | Translation | Description of SEO SEO優化描述 | Please check the link on the left |
seo_title_translations | Translation | Title of SEO SEO優化標題 | Please check the link on the left |
link | Link | SEO Link SEO 連結 | |
extended_promotion_id | String | Parent promotion id 母層活動id - *applicable when this is a child promotion | 5f06a6cb0a3509004853443a |
extend_promotions | Array | Child layer promotion and condition 多階層優惠活動與條件 - id = child promotion id 子層活動ID discount_percentage = discount percentage 折扣百分比 discount_amount = Discount amount 折扣固定金額 discountable_quantity = Quantity 獲得數量 discounted_point = Amount of point to redeem gift 點數兌換 discounted_price = Discounted price 優惠價格 discountable_product_ids = Ids of Discounted product 指定商品ids | [ { "id": "5f06c48a436e2b004b471613", "discount_percentage": null, "discount_amount": null, "discountable_quantity": null, "discounted_point": 10000, "discounted_price": null, "discountable_product_ids": [ "5f06a6ad2a051a0048caec6f" ], "conditions": [] } ] |
title_translations | Translation | Promotion Title | |
coupon_type | String | Coupon Type 優惠券類型 -- single: 單組 multi: 多組 draw: 領取型 null: 非優惠券 | single |
draw_from | String | Claim Coupon By 領取方式 -- coupon_center: 顯示在領券中心(領取型優惠券) coupon_code: 輸入優惠券代碼領取(單, 多組) coupon_link: 透過連結或顧客分群發送(領取型優惠券) null: 非優惠券 | coupon_code |
draw_start_at | DateTime | Claim Coupon Start At 領券開始時間 | 2020-07-09T04:00:00.000+00:00 |
draw_end_at | DateTime | Claim Coupon End At 領券時間 | null |
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"discounted_point": null,
"discounted_price": null,
"discountable_product_ids": [
"conditions": [],
"created_at": "2020-07-09T07:17:29.971+00:00",
"updated_at": "2020-07-09T07:17:29.971+00:00",
"title_translations": {
"en": "Points Campaign",
"zh-hant": "點數兌換活動"
"discount_on": "order",
"discountable_category_ids": [],
"discount_type": "member_point_redeem_gift",
"is_accumulated": false,
"codes": null,
"membership_tier_id": null,
"requires_membership": false,
"whitelisted_membership_tier_ids": [],
"user_max_use_count": 0,
"max_use_count": 0,
"use_count": 0,
"sum_use_count": 0,
"whitelisted_delivery_option_ids": [],
"whitelisted_payment_ids": [],
"start_at": "2020-07-08T16:00:00.000+00:00",
"end_at": "2021-12-22T16:00:00.000+00:00",
"status": "active",
"usable": true,
"for_affiliate_campaign": false,
"is_contain_campaign": false,
"seo_keywords": null,
"seo_description_translations": {},
"seo_title_translations": {},
"link": null,
"extended_promotion_id": null,
"extend_promotions": [
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"discount_percentage": null,
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"discountable_quantity": null,
"discounted_point": 10000,
"discounted_price": null,
"discountable_product_ids": [
"conditions": []
Updated 11 months ago