Update Product Variation
Update information of an existing product variation.
PUT https://open.shopline.io/v1/products/:product_id/variations/:id
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description | Example |
product_id *Required | String | Product ID 主商品ID | 5df2fd9dc7ccf70012c2111b |
id *Required | String | Variant ID 規格商品ID | 5e325db736b1ed0014dd2bdd |
location_id | String | Location ID 儲位編號 | "location_id": "87722" |
sku | String | SKU ( Stock Keeping Unit ) 商品貨號 | "sku": "24235" |
price | Float | Product Price 原價格 | "price":460 |
member_price | Float | Member Price 會員價 | "member_price": 420 |
quantity | Integer | Product Quantity 商品數量 --- Directly update the quantity of the variation. The quantity is between -9999999 to 9999999. 直接更新規格商品數量。商品數量要在 -9999999 - 9999999 之間。 | "quantity": 90 |
image | String | Link of Images 圖片連結 - *Only allows https | ruby "image": "https://the-allstars.com/blog/images/articl/articl7.jpg" |
price_sale | Float | Sale price 特價 | "price_sale": 300 |
cost | Float | Cost 成本價 | "cost": 50 |
weight | Float | Weight (kg) 重量 (公斤) | "weight": 1.2 |
gtin | String | Barcode 商品條碼編號 | "gtin": "1234567890" |
preorder_limit | Integer | Preorder Limit (set to -1 if it's unlimited quantity) 預購上限(-1表示無限) | "preorder_limit": 50 |
Request Example
"sku": "24235",
"location_id": "87722",
"quantity": 90,
"image": "https://the-allstars.com/blog/images/articl/articl7.jpg",
"price_sale": 300,
"cost": 30,
"weight": 1.2,
"gtin": "1234567890",
"preorder_limit": 30
Response Example
Also same with Get Product
"_id": "5e325db7596dfe7c20c7d11a",
"barcode_type": "Code 128",
"cost": {
"cents": 0,
"currency_symbol": "NT$",
"currency_iso": "TWD",
"label": "",
"dollars": 0.0
"preorder_limit": 30,
"created_at": "2020-01-30T04:38:15.576+00:00",
"fields": [
"name_translations": {
"en": "en8",
"zh-hant": "chinese8"
"name_translations": {
"en": "cus8",
"zh-hant": "cus8"
"fields_translations": {
"en": [
"zh-hant": [
"gtin": "1234567890",
"key": "5e325db736b1ed0014dd2bdd",
"location_id": "87722",
"max_order_quantity": 10,
"media_id": null,
"member_price": {
"cents": 420,
"currency_symbol": "NT$",
"currency_iso": "TWD",
"label": "NT$420",
"dollars": 420.0
"mpn": null,
"price": {
"cents": 460,
"currency_symbol": "NT$",
"currency_iso": "TWD",
"label": "NT$460",
"dollars": 460.0
"price_sale": {
"cents": 0,
"currency_symbol": "NT$",
"currency_iso": "TWD",
"label": "",
"dollars": 0.0
"quantity": 90,
"root_product_variation_id": null,
"sku": "24235",
"stock_ids": null,
"unlimited_quantity": null,
"updated_at": "2020-03-17T09:20:47.020+00:00",
"variant_option_ids": [
"wapos_id": null,
"weight": 0.0,
"id": "5e325db7596dfe7c20c7d11a",
"out_of_stock_orderable": false,
"subscription_enabled": false,
"subscription_period_duration": 30,
"filter_tags": []
Updated 11 months ago