Search Products
To search products with specific conditions.
GET <<api_domain>>/v1/products/search
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Description | Example |
page | Integer | Page Number 頁數(第n頁) (Default: 1) | ruby page=1 |
per_page | Integer | Numbers of Products per page 每頁顯示 n 筆資料 (Default: 24) - *If there're many products, it's suggested to set per_page number to 50 如果商品眾多,建議per_page至多設定50 | ruby per_page=10 |
query | 'String' | Support query order fields 支援搜尋以下欄位 product_name sku barcode title_translations summary_translations | ruby query=productName1 |
category_id | String | Categories 分類 - *Accept category ids spilt by "," 接受同時數個分類id,以","隔開 *sort_type=custom_sorting 時,只支援單個 id | ruby category_id=sed3398d01cda31bfb00000c, sec1362f01cda3329300004d |
status | String | Status 商品狀態 - Status: active上架 draft 下架 removed 已刪除 hidden 隱藏商品Support multiple search. 支援多重搜尋 | ruby status=draft status=active status=in:hidden,active |
sort_type | String | Sort type. Default value is created_at. -- created_at (上架時間排序) lowest_price (最低價排序) quantity_sold (銷量排序) custom_sorting (自訂排序) (註: 使用 custom_sorting 時,只接受帶入 category_id、fields、include_fields 欄位,其他搜尋功能皆不支援) | ruby sort_type=created_at sort_type=lowest_price sort_type=quantity_sold sort_type=custom_sorting |
sort_by | String | Sort order by sort_type. Default value is desc. When sort_type is 'quantity_sold', only 'desc' is allowed. - desc 降冪 asc 升冪 | ruby sort_by=desc sort_by=asc |
sku | String | sku 商品貨號 - Support equal, not equal and multiple search. 支援 等於,不等於及多重搜尋 | ruby sku=sku_123 sku=not:sku_123 sku=in:sku_13,sku_456 |
barcode | String | gtin 商品條碼編號 - Support equal, not equal and multiple search. 支援 等於,不等於及多重搜尋 | ruby barcode=gtin_123 barcode=not:gtin_123 barcode=in:gtin_13,gtin_456 |
is_preorder | Boolean | Is Preorder Product or not 是否為預購商品 | ruby is_preorder=true is_preorder=false |
quantity | String | Quantity 數量 - Support equal or not equal or less than or less than or equal or greater than or greater than or equal 支援 等於 或 不等於 或 小於 或 小於等於 或 大於 或 大於等於 | ruby quantity=100 quantity=not:100 quantity=lt:100 quantity=lte:100 quantity=gt:100 quantity=gte:100 |
variation_quantity | String | Quantity of Variation 規格數量 - Support equal or not equal or less than or less than or equal or greater than or greater than or equal 支援 等於 或 不等於 或 小於 或 小於等於 或 大於 或 大於等於 | ruby variation_quantity=100 variation_quantity=not:100 variation_quantity=lt:100 variation_quantity=lte:100 variation_quantity=gt:100 variation_quantity=gte:100 |
unlimited_quantity | Boolean | Is Unlimited Quantity or not 是否為無限數量 | ruby unlimited_quantity=true unlimited_quantity=false |
created_at | String | Support equal or not equal or less than or less than or equal or greater than or greater than or equal 支援 等於 或 不等於 或 小於 或 小於等於 或 大於 或 大於等於 | ruby created_at=2018-11-11 12:30:30 created_at=not:2018-11-11 12:30:30 created_at=lt:2018-11-11 12:30:30 created_at=lte:2018-11-11 12:30:30 created_at=gt:2018-11-11 12:30:30 created_at=gte:2018-11-11 12:30:30 |
updated_at | String | Support equal or not equal or less than or less than or equal or greater than or greater than or equal 支援 等於 或 不等於 或 小於 或 小於等於 或 大於 或 大於等於 | ruby updated_at=2018-11-11 12:30:30 updated_at=not:2018-11-11 12:30:30 updated_at=lt:2018-11-11 12:30:30 updated_at=lte:2018-11-11 12:30:30 updated_at=gt:2018-11-11 12:30:30 updated_at=gte:2018-11-11 12:30:30 |
title_translations | String | Could search any match for all languages that merchant supported 可以搜出店家支援語系中的任何語系關鍵字 | ruby title_translations=Product_Title |
summary_translations | String | Could search any match for all languages that merchant supported 可以搜出店家支援語系中的任何語系關鍵字 | ruby summary_translations=Product_Summary |
tags | String | Could search products by tags 可以按商品標籤搜索商品 | tags=shopline |
retail_status | String | Retail Status 實體店狀態 | retail_status=active |
purchasable | Boolean | Is Purchasable 是否可購買 | purchasable=true |
excludes[] | String | Could exclude certain parameters in the response 結果要排除哪些參數 | ruby excludes[]=items.status |
fields[] | String | Could only show certain parameters in the response 結果只顯示哪些參數 | ruby fields[]=items.status |
with_product_set | Boolean | With Product Set 是否包含組合商品 | with_product_set=true |
include_fields[] | String | Include additional fields 多包含的回傳欄位 - bundle_set 顯示組合商品包含的子商品詳細內容 (Show the content of Product Set) | ruby include_fields[]=bundle_set |
type | String | product type, use when you just want to search for one type of product 產品類型,只會搜尋某一種類型的產品 | ruby type=product type=product_set |
Please note the following pagination limitations when using this API:
- The request will fail if
exceeds 10,000.- Example: If
= 50, the maximum value forpage
should be 200. Exceeding this value will result in an error.使用此 API 時,請注意以下分頁限制:
- 當
大於 10,000 時,請求將會失敗。- 範例:如果
= 50,page
最大值應為 200,超過此值請求將會失敗。
Request Example
curl -X GET \
'<<api_domain>>/v1/products/search?page=1&per_page=1&status=draft&sku=sku-123&quantity=gt:%2010&title_translations=title' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearar {access_token}' \
-H 'User-Agent: shopline'
Response fields
Field | Column Type | Description | Example |
items | Get Product | Array of Products 符合結果商品資訊 | Please check the link on the left |
pagination | Pagination | Pagination Data 頁面資訊 | Please check the link on the left |
Response Example
JSON sample
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