Order CustomerInfo
Data structure of customer_info
Field | Column Type | Description | Example |
gender | String | Gender 性別 | male / female / Other |
birthday | String | Birthday 生日 ---- If birth_year is null, then the default year is 1904. 如果 birth_year 為 null, 則預設為 1904 年 If birth_month is null, then the default month is 1. 如果 birth_month 為 null, 則預設為 1 月。 If birth_day is null, then the default day is 1. 如果 birth_day 為 null, 則預設為 1 日。 | 2018-07-05 |
custom_data | Array | Custom Fields 客製化欄位 | { "value": "line_id_123456", "name_translations": { "zh-hant": "LineID"}, "field_id": "5b51c33fe3880967330000fd"} |
JSON Sample
"customer_info": {
"gender": "male",
"birthday": "2018-07-05",
"custom_data": [
"value": "line_id_123456",
"name_translations": {
"zh-hant": "LineID"
"field_id": "5b51c33fe3880967330000fd"
"value": "false",
"name_translations": {
"zh-hant": "是否送人?"
"field_id": "5b51c347e3880967330000ff"
Updated 11 months ago