Update Product Review Comment
Please contact SHOPLINE Merchant Success team to enable this function.
請向SHOPLINE Merchant Success團隊申請開啟此功能。
To update a product review comment by id.
PUT <<api_domain>>/v1/product_review_comments/:product_review_comment_id
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description | Example |
product_review_comment_id *Required | String | Product review comment id 商品評價id | 5f6d742ce38809bd9fcc438b |
user_name | String | User name 顧客姓名 | "user_name": "Ming" |
status | String | Status 狀態 - active hidden removed | "status": "active" |
score | Integer | Score 評分 | "score": 3 |
comment | String | Comment 評價 | "comment": "Hello" |
media_ids | Array | Array of media ids 媒體id陣列 | "media_ids": ["5ec38fbee388097abf1fbc20"] |
Response Fields
Request Example
"id": "5f6d742ce38809bd9fcc438b",
"product_id": "5f57251ce38809bde9681c3b",
"order_id": "5f686623e38809c8ed14b1ea",
"user_id": "5f602e9c01afcd34f53db613",
"user_name": "Ming",
"status": "hidden",
"score": 1,
"comment": "Hello",
"media": [],
"created_by": "importer",
"commented_at": "2020-09-25T04:38:04.203+00:00",
"updated_at": "2020-09-25T04:38:04.203+00:00",
"created_at": "2020-09-25T04:38:04.203+00:00"
Updated over 1 year ago