Update Stock/Quantity for Warehouse (Product/Gift/Add-on Product)
To update the product's/ gift's/ add-on product's stock with its ID
使用商品 ID 更新商品/ 贈品/ 加購品在各個倉庫的庫存
Product stock: PUT <<api_domain>>/v1/products/:id/stocks
Gift stock: PUT <<api_domain>>/v1/gifts/:id/stocks
Add-on stock: PUT <<api_domain>>/v1/addon_products/:id/stocks
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description | Example |
id *Required | String | Product’s id Gift’s id Addon’s id 商品id / 贈品id / 加購品id | 5d3594c276e7ec003b7021c0 |
warehouse_id *Required | String | Warehouse’s id 倉庫 id ----- Only warehouse with status "active" can be updated 只有 status “active” 的 warehouse stock 的可以更新 | "warehouse_id"=5ee819deab591e00169a4618 |
quantity *Required | Number | Quantity (新增/減少)商品數量 Negative number is allowed 允許更新庫存為負值 | "quantity"=21 |
variation_id | String | Product Variation's id 若更新選項的庫存,請指定選項id | "variation_id"=5d3594c2e95d2f000642e011 |
is_replace | Boolean | Whether replacing the original quantity 是否取代原本數量 true: replace the product's quantity with the number you provided 取代原本數量 false: increase/decrease the quantity with the number you provided 增加/減少數量 | "is_replace": false |
Response Fields
Field | Type | Description | Example |
id | String | Product’s id Gift’s id Addon’s id 商品id / 贈品id / 加購品id | 5d3594c276e7ec003b7021c0 |
title_translations | Translation | Title translations 商品 / 贈品 / 加購品 名稱 | Please check stock data below |
stocks | Stock[] | Each stock 各倉庫的庫存 | Please check stock data below |
Response Example
"id": "5ef1e5cbf1159c004ed9e789",
"title_translations": {
"zh-hant": "測試商品*"
"variations": [
"id": "5ef1e5cb214bbc0013813cfd",
"fields_translations": {
"en": [
"zh-hant": [
"stocks": [
"warehouse_id": "5e83216e2e4f81001e756014",
"quantity": 0
"warehouse_id": "5e831cb68fa5fc000f9925ab",
"quantity": 0
"id": "5ef1e5cb214bbc0013813cfe",
"fields_translations": {
"en": [
"zh-hant": [
"stocks": [
"warehouse_id": "5e83216e2e4f81001e756014",
"quantity": 0
"warehouse_id": "5e831cb68fa5fc000f9925ab",
"quantity": 0
"id": "5ef1e613560e8e2166ce2f03",
"title_translations": {
"zh-hant": "測試商品"
"stocks": [
"warehouse_id": "5e83216e2e4f81001e756014",
"quantity": 0
"warehouse_id": "5e831cb68fa5fc000f9925ab",
"quantity": 0
Updated about 1 year ago