Update Product
PUT <<api_domain>>/v1/products/:id
To update information about existing products with open API
透過open API更新商品資訊。
- hide_price can only be updated via admin interface
More on updating product with images:
As there is a timeout limit for requesting this api endpoint, we advice not to upload too many large-sized images when creating product. Instead, it is recommended to consider to divide the payload and request Add Product Images by batch.
Request Parameters
curl -X PUT \
'<<api_domain>>/v1/products' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearar {access_token}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'User-Agent: shopline-test' \
-d '{
"title_translations": {
"en": "I want to update product title",
"zh-hant": "我想更新商品名稱",
"zh-cn": "我想更新商品名称"
"title_translations": {
"en": "I want to update product title",
"zh-hant": "我想更新商品名稱",
"zh-cn": "我想更新商品名称"
"is_replace_variations" :true,
"variant_options": [
"name_translations": {
"en": "green",
"zh-hant": "綠"
"type": "color",
"key": "green"
"name_translations": {
"en": "yellow",
"zh-hant": "黃"
"type": "color",
"key": "yellow"
"name_translations": {
"en": "big",
"zh-hant": "大"
"type": "size",
"key": "big"
"variations": [
"key": ["green", "big"],
"sku": "green_big",
"price": 147,
"price_sale": 123,
"cost": 5
"key": ["yellow", "big"],
"sku": "yellow_big"
id Required |
String |
Product ID 欲更新資訊的商品ID |
unlimited_quantity |
Boolean |
quantity of the product will be ignored once set
商品無限數量 |
location_id |
string |
stock unit number 儲位編號 |
summary_translations |
object |
Product Summary 商品摘要 en , zh-hant , zh-cn ,
vi , ms , ja ,
th , id , de ,
fr |
sku |
string |
stock keeping unit 商品貨號 |
category_ids |
Array of String |
e.g. 58c1362f01cda3329300004d |
title_translations |
Object |
supported object keys includes includeen , zh-hant , zh-cn ,
vi , ms , ja ,
th , id , de ,
fr for different language |
description_translations |
Object |
supported object keys includes includeen , zh-hant , zh-cn ,
vi , ms , ja ,
th , id , de ,
fr for different language |
seo_title_translations |
Object |
used for SEO purpose supported object keys includes include en , zh-hant , zh-cn ,
vi , ms , ja ,
th , id , de ,
fr for different language, can be empty value |
seo_description_translations |
Object |
used for SEO description supported object keys includes include en , zh-hant , zh-cn ,
vi , ms , ja ,
th , id , de ,
fr for different language, can be empty value |
seo_keywords |
String |
keyword separated by comma, max 160 characters, can be empty value |
link |
String |
The link of the product from shop, cannot be empty value |
is_preorder |
Boolean |
Allow product to be pre-ordered |
preorder_limit |
Integer |
Preorder Limit (set to -1 if it's unlimited quantity) 預購上限(-1表示無限) |
preorder_note_translations |
Object |
used for pre-order translation supported object keys includes include en , zh-hant , zh-cn ,
vi , ms , ja ,
th , id , de ,
fr for different language |
is_reminder_active |
boolean |
remind merchant product out of stock 是否開啟商品缺貨提醒 default: false
show_custom_related_products |
boolean |
Whether Show Custom Related Products 是否顯示相關商品 default: false
related_product_ids |
array of string |
array of product ids merchant suggest that might relate to this product *Rules: 1.If show_custom_related_products is true and related_product_ids is filled: Filled related products will be displayed to customers. 2.If show_custom_related_products is true and related_product_ids is not filled: No related products will be displayed to customers. 3.If show_custom_related_products is false: Automatically suggested related products will be displayed to customers. |
weight |
float |
product weight in kg |
tags |
array of string |
array of tags for helping to search products at the admin panel and be used to set up product-related coupon 標籤功能用作商品搜尋,並能為指定商品設置優惠券的用途。 |
blacklisted_delivery_option_ids |
array of string |
these delivery options shouldn't available for delivery when buyers select this product |
blacklisted_payment_ids |
array of string |
these payment options shouldn't available for payment when buyers select this product |
max_order_quantity |
integer |
set maximum quantity buyer can buy per purchase |
status |
String |
active 上架 , draft 下架 , hidden 隱藏商品 |
is_replace_variations |
Boolean |
Is replacing variations? 是否更換全部規格? *Default: false |
variant_options |
Array of Objects |
Maximum 3 types of variant option for a product, type allow color , size , custom_1 , custom_2 , custom_3 最多支援三種不同的規格名稱,名稱支援 color , size , custom_1 , custom_2 , custom_3
Note: 如需使用 custom_1 , custom_2 , custom_3 請同步使用 variant_custom_type_translations 欄位
key 會對應到 variations, key 必須唯一不可以重複, 為選填 media_id 圖片庫id
"variant_options": [ { "name_translations": { "en": "green", "zh-hant": "綠" }, "type": "color", "key": "green" } ]
如需對相同 type 的 variant_option 開啟顯示選項圖片於商品頁面,需要將相同 type 的 variant_option 皆設定 "selector_enabled": true 並設定 media_id 同時需要將 is_replace_variations 設定爲 true
variant_custom_type_translations |
Array of Objects |
If variant_options is custom_1 , custom_2 or custom_3 , you can edit the custom type name.如果 variant_options 有使用到 type custom_1, custom_2 or custom_3, 才需要編輯此欄位,可以對自訂欄位命名 e.g. "variant_custom_type_translations": [ {"name_translations": { "en": "Custom1", "zh-hant": "自訂1" }, "type": "custom_1"}]
variations |
Array of Objects |
When is_replace_variations is true Set details for variations 為商品規格設定資訊
"variations": [ { "key": ["green", "big"], "sku": "green_big", "price": 147, "price_sale": 123, "cost": 5 } ]
variations |
Array of Objects |
Set details for variations 為商品規格設定資訊
"variations": [ { "id": "5f2ba26e52081b00125d3ad8", "sku": "green_big", "price": 140, "price_sale": 123, "cost": 5, "gtin": "12343465745445" } ]
schedule_publish_at |
DateTime |
This product will be automatically online at the time you set. 此商品會於您設定的時間自動上架,若您設定「過去」的時間將不會有作用。 e.g. 2021-04-30T10:00:00.000+00:00 UTC time
gtin |
String |
Barcode number 商品條碼 |
default_show_image_selector |
Boolean |
Show image selector on product details page 顯示選項圖片於商品頁面 default: false 需要設定 is_replace_variations: true 才會生效
available_start_time |
DateTime |
Selling start time in UTC 預設商品銷售開始時間 |
available_end_time |
DateTime |
Selling end time in UTC 預設商品銷售結束時間 |
images |
Array of Strings/Array of Objects |
Images of the product, cannot be empty value |
tax_type |
String |
Tax type 國內稅項 "1": 應稅 "3": 免稅 Default: null |
oversea_tax_type |
String |
Oversea tax type 海外稅項 "1": 應稅 "2": 零稅率-非經海關出口 "5": 零稅率-經海關出口 Default: null |
May refer to Get Product for the most updated data
"id": "5bd16a4f16d18c000fc7f91f",
"status": "active",
"title_translations": {
"en": "I want to update product title",
"zh-hant": "我想更新商品名稱",
"zh-cn": "我想更新商品名称"
"price": {
"cents": 1000,
"currency_symbol": "NT$",
"currency_iso": "TWD",
"label": "NT$1,000",
"dollars": 1000
"price_sale": {
"cents": 689,
"currency_symbol": "NT$",
"currency_iso": "TWD",
"label": "NT$689",
"dollars": 689
"lowest_price": {
"cents": 689,
"currency_symbol": "NT$",
"currency_iso": "TWD",
"label": "NT$689",
"dollars": 689
"hide_price": false,
"same_price": true,
"cost": {
"cents": 609,
"currency_symbol": "NT$",
"currency_iso": "TWD",
"label": "NT$609",
"dollars": 609
"is_preorder": false,
"preorder_limit": -1,
"preorder_note_translations": {
"en": "Shipping starts April 20th, 1971, preorder NOW!",
"zh-hant": "1971/04/20 開始出貨, 立即訂購!"
"weight": 123.99,
"quantity": 87,
"unlimited_quantity": false,
"medias": [
"images": {
"original": {
"width": 1600,
"height": 500,
"url": "https://img.shoplineapp.com/media/image_clips/5bd16a4e8bf5370011d95736/original.png?1540450894"
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"alt_translations": {}
"category_ids": [
"sku": "sku_123345",
"barcode": null,
"field_titles": [
"key": "color",
"label": "Color",
"name_translations": {
"en": "Color",
"zh-hant": "顏色"
"key": "custom",
"label": "Custom",
"name_translations": {
"en": "Custom1",
"zh-hant": "自訂1"
"variations": [
"id": "5bd16a4f16d18c000fc7f921",
"preorder_limit": -1,
"fields_translations": {
"en": [
"zh-hant": [
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"currency_iso": "TWD",
"label": "",
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"currency_iso": "TWD",
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"sku": null,
"barcode": null
"id": "5bd16a4f16d18c000fc7f922",
"preorder_limit": -1,
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"zh-hant": [
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"currency_symbol": "NT$",
"currency_iso": "TWD",
"label": "",
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"currency_iso": "TWD",
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"unlimited_quantity": null,
"media": {},
"sku": null,
"barcode": null
"id": "5bd16a4f16d18c000fc7f923",
"preorder_limit": -1,
"fields_translations": {
"en": [
"zh-hant": [
"price": {
"cents": 0,
"currency_symbol": "NT$",
"currency_iso": "TWD",
"label": "",
"dollars": 0
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"quantity": 1,
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"media": {},
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"preorder_limit": -1,
"fields_translations": {
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"currency_symbol": "NT$",
"currency_iso": "TWD",
"label": "",
"dollars": 0
"price_sale": {
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"currency_iso": "TWD",
"label": "NT$689",
"dollars": 689
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"unlimited_quantity": null,
"media": {},
"sku": null,
"barcode": null
"categories": [
"id": "5892b76f72fdc0fc2e023828",
"name_translations": {
"en": "Featured Products",
"zh-hant": "精選商品"
"seo_title_translations": {},
"seo_description_translations": {},
"seo_keywords": null,
"key": "featured_products",
"status": "active"
"out_of_stock_orderable": false,
"subscription_enabled": false,
"subscription_period_duration": 30,
"filter_tags": [],
"tax_type": null,
"oversea_tax_type" null
常見問題 FAQ
需要帶入所有規格才能更新example: 商品規格有「顏色」、「尺寸」,「顏色」規格有
- GET Product GET
- Update Product variant_options PUT
- body parameters 需要將所有規格
帶入 body parameters,並直接調整name_translations
- body parameters 需要將所有規格
curl --request PUT \ --url https://open.shopline.io/v1/products/id \ --header 'accept: application/json' \ --header 'authorization: Bearer {token} ' \ --header 'content-type: application/json' \ --data ' { "is_replace_variations": false, "default_show_image_selector": false, "variant_options": [ { "id": "66d3ee9dfd5646001c5cc280", "name_translations": { "zh-hant": "紅", "en": "" }, "type": "color", "media": null, "index": 0 }, { "id": "66d3ee9dfd5646001c5cc282", "name_translations": { "zh-hant": "S", "en": "" }, "type": "size", "media": null, "index": 1 }, { "id": "66d3ee9dfd5646001c5cc283", "name_translations": { "zh-hant": "M", "en": "" }, "type": "size", "media": null, "index": 1 }, { "id": "66d3ee9dfd5646001c5cc284", "name_translations": { "zh-hant": "L", "en": "" }, "type": "size", "media": null, "index": 1 }, { "id": "66d3ee9dfd5646001c5cc281", "name_translations": { "zh-hant": "黃綠", // 欲調整的名稱 "en": "" }, "type": "color", "media": null, "index": 0 } ] }'
- GET Product GET
Updated 5 months ago